Joined: Jul 2014
In my cooperative game, me and my friend got Pholus at level 1 and by level 13 he was at bartering 7 and charisma 5 with items. We just noticed he wasn't leveling with us when we got to level 16, usually we would look at all the shops and plan a route with him to buy everything we wanted.
The only real problem we saw was that he doesn't force a new inventory to be generated for vendors. Which is easily solved by talking to the vendors yourself and then using him.
To be frank, i think this bug:
Made using higher leveled henchmen pointless. Why use them when you can get a level 1 and tailor everything to your needs? Do note that if automatic level up for henchman wasn't planned, then indeed it was a bug and i'd prefer that Larian solved the bugs to make the game like they envisioned. However i would like the hireable henchmen to have more diverse dialogue (no need for personal quests, just more diverse dialogue).
Made the game way easier than it is, because without this bug you would be forced to decide if you wanted to have crafting, blacksmithing, bartering, lockpicking and pickpocketing, thus making your character more than something that only knows how to kill and accompanied by mindless slav... i mean hechmen.
Finally, maybe not everything in the game is/was supposed to be played 'as we see fit':
Maybe we HAVE TO sneak past death knights and collapse a mine unto them Maybe we HAVE TO have a tenebrium weapon to break the big blood stone Maybe you HAVE TO let Thelyron die even though you can have an unused blood stone with you that you could use to save him. Maybe we HAVE TO make some important choices regarding our henchmen.
I'm sure other people can say that there are lots of things in the game that can be done only one way and lots of things that can be done in multiple ways or bypassed. Now that i've ranted, i think i like the change, since it will make my next playthrough harder, which is always good.
Joined: Aug 2014
To be frank, i think this bug:
Made using higher leveled henchmen pointless. Well, now ALL henchmen are pointless. Enjoy.
Joined: Apr 2014
News: So b.e. there are a lot of citizens in Cyseal now, who have no dialogues, if you talk to them. I think, this bug is after an update, because as we started the game, weeks ago, every citizen had his dialogues, if you talked to them.
Last edited by Corlexys; 10/08/14 05:43 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
To be frank, i think this bug:
Made using higher leveled henchmen pointless. Well, now ALL henchmen are pointless. Enjoy. Not really. Now all henchmen are pointless TO YOU.
Joined: Jul 2014
Sure, game breaking bugs are a higher priority, but a lot of gamers were hoping to see some balancing changes as well. Guess I just have to delay my next playthrough for a bit. You got that right. This game has turned into a complete waste of time on "Normal" difficulty and even on Easy some of the battles are hard to get threw. After Cyseal, the game balancing just went to shit. My disappointment is rather huge. Even on easy, I need to summon a few monsters to surround a target so that my chance of melee or ranged hit is 80% or better. This is a game where unless your nothing but all mages, it is just too difficult. Need to know your terrain and predict what the enemy will do to counter it. Not to mention all the wasted turns with just re-healing and buffing. No, you're doing it wrong. Use mages to buff and prot melee, that's when you really rape your foes. That said, I'm very annoyed they didn't do anything about the vendors. Current state of the game where you can get to level 15 without having found essential skillbooks like Whirlwind one single time is just too much.- And the constant vendor checking every single level as well. Um, this is what I'm doing lol. I got two mages, a warrior and an archer. If I played this game as just warriors and archers it would be impossible to play. If I play the game with all mages, I can tear threw everything. Even my stinking warrior needs to summon stuff. sounds like you are not putting enough points into your primary stats. If you are summoning stuff just for the flanking bonus, I'm guessing your strength on your warrior is too low for their level, likewise dex for your archer. respec your stats in the appropriate room at the end of time. or, use precision stances to improve your hit chance. use souls on your weapons; they boost both strength and dex. focus on armor and items that boost those stats, as you can put resists on nearly anything. seriously, I play the same setup you do, and my archer and warrior kill just as many things as my two mages do, and have since about level 12 (now level 20). I found this game to have very little challenge past Cyseal. the enemies are not strong enough or numerous enough to overcome the poor ai.
Last edited by Ichthyic; 11/08/14 04:19 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
I never tried it, but can you respec henchfolk like you can respec your mains?
Joined: Feb 2011
Incorrect version of: C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Games\Divinity - Original Sin\LanguageSetup.exe
Will there always be something not working correctly in GOG patches?
Joined: Jul 2014
Have you changed the early undead encounters as well? I ran unto a group of level 3's that I was very sure about being level 4 before this latest patch.
Joined: Aug 2014
Why did you guys mess up the mercenaries. I logged into my game today to find that they no longer level up when you hire them to match your heroes. +1 Same here (GOG version). Henchmen were already broken in 1.0.81: http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=505229And now it's even worse. Maybe it's time for less patching and more QA? It seems to me that 1.0.107 has in fact *fixed* a bug that was present in earlier versions--the henchman are obviously *not* supposed to lvl-up to whatever level your party members currently are. The fact that they were doing it was the bug...;) How do I know? Because you can buy Henchmen all the way up to lvl 20 or so, provided someone in the party is at least within 1 lvl of lvl 20 (or very close in level, etc.) IE, if your party is mainly lvl 10 it would be idiotic if the game let you buy lvl 20 Henchmen...;) OTOH, Because you can buy Henchmen at various levels either below or at your party's lvls, it makes no sense at all for a lvl 10 party to be able to buy a lvl 1 npc, who then lvls up to lvl 10 automatically. It makes no sense because *you can already buy a Lvl 10 charcter*. Yes, and as we might expect, lvl 10 characters cost a lot more than lvl 1 characters because they are 10x stronger...;) The point to the Hall of Heroes is that you can buy a Henchman who is at or below your party lvl, your choice. You have a level 5 party, then buy a level 5 henchman. *Or*, if you don't want to spend or don't have the cash, buy a lvl 1 Henchman and take him with you. Should he *survive* your next few encounters he'll level on up to lvl 5 pretty quick--as the first few levels in the game happen much more quickly than later levels, for obvious reasons. It's obvious that the auto-leveling of Henchman was not intended from the beginning and has now been fixed. Which simply make game more broken in one of worst ways possible. Let me remind you - this game have NO respawning enemies or any other way to grind your team from low level. When henchmen used to level up to fit your team, it was allowing players to play as they see fit - try different character or classes, experiment with different builds or just to make separate characters for trading, lockpicking or crafting. Or just to get rid of companions for a moment and try something different. Not to mention that those pre-made henchmen usually have terribly distributed statistics and abilities (mage with str bonuses and 3 con?) and that it kills the freedom of designing your own team - one of most important aspects of team-based RPGs. In current situation, game FORCE people to stick with same team for whole 60 hours + long game. They didnt remove a bug - they removed FEATURE. Exactly! You can't buy the level 10 merc that they have for sale and actually enjoy it. It's built completely wrong. Plus what if you're playing with 4 people and they want to build their character from the ground up, they used to be able to.. What if you want to hire a merc at later levels to try out one of these so called options.. then realize it's crap.. guess you really have to use madora and jahan, but now they are a level or two behind you. Greaaaaaat. Having them catch up to you is the only way for it to work in a game like this with no mob respawn. It needs to be fixed back.
Joined: Aug 2014
I have a serious problem after Update V1.0.107. Any Skull + Mortar & Pestle give me nothing instead of Bone Dust.
Another problem with skulls - I can't throw them to earth from inventory (at the same time, option "drop" works correctly)
I hope, developers will correct this bug as soon as possible.
Joined: Jul 2014
Good a patch showed up. Now... how to use it? I cannot find a link anywhere or an "auto update" from within the game. I have the gog-version and it still runs 1.0.37, which I think is a bit outdated...
Joined: Apr 2013
For the GOG version you need to manually download the patches from your shelf and apply them yourself. I'm not sure if you have to apply them all or if there is a mega patch from one version to the latest (my copy is on Steam, I haven't yet redeemed the other)
Joined: Mar 2013
Good a patch showed up. Now... how to use it? I cannot find a link anywhere or an "auto update" from within the game. I have the gog-version and it still runs 1.0.37, which I think is a bit outdated... On GOG there's a single patch from at least version 1.0.74 to 1.0.107. So if you're running 1.0.37, I fear you need to download the complete game again.
Joined: Jul 2014
Thanks for the answer, I'll just get to do it.
In all honesty, Larian: What? The? Fuck? I got the release version, there was no notification at all anywhere, and now I have to re-download it all?
Joined: Mar 2003
GOG has updated the main installer a couple times. Unfortunately, they also removed the older patches from the download list for D:OS in 'My Games'. You will either need to re-download the latest full installer, or search online for the older patches (see here for a list of file names and checksum values). You could try contacting GOG support, and see if the older patches are still available, but just unlisted.
Joined: Aug 2014
I don't think Icara should be selectable for teleportation skills... Now I can transfer her to lava and she unfreezes  but without dialog.
Zeros and ones are everything - execute me!
Joined: Aug 2014
Why did you guys mess up the mercenaries. I logged into my game today to find that they no longer level up when you hire them to match your heroes. +1 Same here (GOG version). Henchmen were already broken in 1.0.81: http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=505229And now it's even worse. Maybe it's time for less patching and more QA? It seems to me that 1.0.107 has in fact *fixed* a bug that was present in earlier versions--the henchman are obviously *not* supposed to lvl-up to whatever level your party members currently are. The fact that they were doing it was the bug...;) How do I know? Because you can buy Henchmen all the way up to lvl 20 or so, provided someone in the party is at least within 1 lvl of lvl 20 (or very close in level, etc.) IE, if your party is mainly lvl 10 it would be idiotic if the game let you buy lvl 20 Henchmen...;) OTOH, Because you can buy Henchmen at various levels either below or at your party's lvls, it makes no sense at all for a lvl 10 party to be able to buy a lvl 1 npc, who then lvls up to lvl 10 automatically. It makes no sense because *you can already buy a Lvl 10 charcter*. Yes, and as we might expect, lvl 10 characters cost a lot more than lvl 1 characters because they are 10x stronger...;) The point to the Hall of Heroes is that you can buy a Henchman who is at or below your party lvl, your choice. You have a level 5 party, then buy a level 5 henchman. *Or*, if you don't want to spend or don't have the cash, buy a lvl 1 Henchman and take him with you. Should he *survive* your next few encounters he'll level on up to lvl 5 pretty quick--as the first few levels in the game happen much more quickly than later levels, for obvious reasons. It's obvious that the auto-leveling of Henchman was not intended from the beginning and has now been fixed. Which simply make game more broken in one of worst ways possible. Let me remind you - this game have NO respawning enemies or any other way to grind your team from low level. When henchmen used to level up to fit your team, it was allowing players to play as they see fit - try different character or classes, experiment with different builds or just to make separate characters for trading, lockpicking or crafting. Or just to get rid of companions for a moment and try something different. Not to mention that those pre-made henchmen usually have terribly distributed statistics and abilities (mage with str bonuses and 3 con?) and that it kills the freedom of designing your own team - one of most important aspects of team-based RPGs. In current situation, game FORCE people to stick with same team for whole 60 hours + long game. They didnt remove a bug - they removed FEATURE. Please change it back to the way it was. Why would a I want to hire a pre-made henchman with a TERRIBLE build? Let people play the game the way they want to and stop trying to pigeonhole the people playing your game.
Joined: Aug 2014
I miss the last portal in The end of time. I've used a bloodstone but the portal has not opened (until now it was a portal for every bloodstone i've used). Is it a bug of this last patch or is it normal
Joined: Aug 2013
..... Which simply make game more broken in one of worst ways possible.
Let me remind you - this game have NO respawning enemies or any other way to grind your team from low level. You don't need re-spawning when you start from the beginning...;) So, OK, when you--at lvl 10, say--go to the hall of heroes and buy a Lvl 1, character...he'll most likely lvl up to lvl 10 before you hit lvl 12 or lvl13, because it takes a lot fewer points to level up from 1 to 2 than from 9 to 10, etc. But...since you are no longer in the beginning of the game...and, yes, the game doesn't have you repeatedly killing everything you have killed before--over and over again just to mindlessly rack up experience points--you will be fighting very tough foes from whom your characters will receive *many* experience points when they win the battles--and in the process your LvL 1 character will get lvl 10 *much faster* than he would if you did the tedious respawning thing. BUT...the catch is, of course, you have to keep him *alive* in order to level him up quickly. That is more difficult to do than the respawning thing, by design. Mercenaries are meant to be *bought* and brought on board--this is *not* "character creation* as happens only once in the game--when you begin the game! So...buying the mercenaries as they are is done exactly right--the "Character Creation* aspect to that was evidently the bug--which has now been fixed. Buying Mercenaries is not to be confused with character creation...Lol...;) Entirely different thing. You can also build XP from competing Quests--many of the quests you complete in this game give you 2x-3x the XP even tough fights will give you--so if you pick up a character later on from the HoH who didn't complete any of the 4500XP quests (for example) with your party, where's the in-game justification for simply giving those points to the Mercenary...? If you don't like the lvl 10 mercenary character builds, then what that tells me is to be more careful with building up my original party characters so as to be able to get the kinds of party members I want. Just because a game has different rules than those you think it *should have* is certainly no reason to call it "broken"...Lol,,,:D Just learn how to play it according to its *rules* and I guarantee you'll get a lot more from it. I understand your frustration--you were exploiting a bug that has now been fixed and you don't like not being able to do that anymore. That's entirely understandable. But...I think it is wrong headed. The Hall of Heroes is not meant to help a player correct the wrong character development decisions he's made--it's for buying *pre-configured mercenaries* just as you would buy them in real life. If you want to wholly correct poor character-development decisions in the game--that's what the New Game button is for, imo. Heck, I've already started over three times and I am considering a forth...;) It's part of the fun for me--sorry you can't see it because it isn't nearly as bad as you think--you just have to adjust your thinking a bit, that's all. I like "long games" and always have...I'm not insulted if if Make a few wrong decisions and the game penalizes me for it--heck, I *expect* a game to do that and believe that any game worth owning and playing will do that. I didn't like the click-fest Diablo I when it shipped (I liked D2 much better), but I want a lot more from an RPG than D1-style click-fests and level building--that's far too easy and boring, imo.
I'm never wrong about anything, and so if you see an error in any of my posts you will know immediately that I did not write it...;)
Joined: Aug 2014
All those ";)" and overuse of "..." - please stop. So, OK, when you--at lvl 10, say--go to the hall of heroes and buy a Lvl 1, character...he'll most likely lvl up to lvl 10 before you hit lvl 12 or lvl13, because it takes a lot fewer points to level up from 1 to 2 than from 9 to 10, etc. But...since you are no longer in the beginning of the game...and, yes, the game doesn't have you repeatedly killing everything you have killed before--over and over again just to mindlessly rack up experience points--you will be fighting very tough foes from whom your characters will receive *many* experience points when they win the battles--and in the process your LvL 1 character will get lvl 10 *much faster* than he would if you did the tedious respawning thing.
First of all - check how much experience points you ACTUALLY need to get from 1 to 10. All of this while he/she will make rest of possible companions falling back and usuable later, due to missed experience points and while being completely useless for whole time by lacking levels for equipment or skills. Brilliant idea indeed. BUT...the catch is, of course, you have to keep him *alive* in order to level him up quickly. That is more difficult to do than the respawning thing, by design.
Do you have some kind of fetish for "difficulty", which is just being "bad design" and not actual obstacles? Mercenaries are meant to be *bought* and brought on board--this is *not* "character creation* as happens only once in the game--when you begin the game! So...buying the mercenaries as they are is done exactly right--the "Character Creation* aspect to that was evidently the bug--which has now been fixed. Buying Mercenaries is not to be confused with character creation...Lol...;) Entirely different thing.
In other words, when there existed possibility to design your own team by yourself - option desired by many players, expressed over various internet boards and in form of mods, like "4 player creation" or "Fourplay" - and devs for some reason disabled it, calling it "bug" for no reason, you eat it up for no reason as well and right away call it good decision? Perfect. Actually, creation might happen once - but respec is possible, for rather low price, considering usefulness. Yet, it is limited to main characters, who usually dont need respec at all, unless it was your very first play and had no idea that, for example, "My Precious" is worthless talent. Just because a game has different rules than those you think it *should have* is certainly no reason to call it "broken"...Lol,,,:D Just learn how to play it according to its *rules* and I guarantee you'll get a lot more from it.
In short - "Bend over and stop complaining". Maybe you dont remember or never tried it - but when I started playing, bending rules and using your imagination was pros, not a con. I understand your frustration--you were exploiting a bug that has now been fixed and you don't like not being able to do that anymore.
"Bug" only because you got told to think about it like that. I call it "good game design" and somehow, devs of various other games with similar setting shared that. That's entirely understandable. But...I think it is wrong headed. The Hall of Heroes is not meant to help a player correct the wrong character development decisions he's made--it's for buying *pre-configured mercenaries* just as you would buy them in real life. If you want to wholly correct poor character-development decisions in the game--that's what the New Game button is for, imo. Heck, I've already started over three times and I am considering a forth...;)
Sure, playing over again 40+ hours is great solution. Let me correct you - it is not about "fixing" party - it is about "enchanting" it. About making balanced party where members complement each other. A great joy in basically any team-based RPG. It's part of the fun for me--sorry you can't see it because it isn't nearly as bad as you think--you just have to adjust your thinking a bit, that's all.
I never said that game overall is "bad" - maybe another sign of modern times, where point out something bad in game is equal to bashing it or people think that games should have binary scores - either 0/1 or 1/1 - only that it have certain bad elements. Or rather - had way to deal with them, now removing it.
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