Every companion comments on you if you get them in your party so saying it's only Madora and Jahan is moronic. As I said they only have those options because they're available EARLY enough but if you could gain access to the hall of heroes right from the start of the game anyone you were able to select from there would be exactly the same. People are only applying WHEN they get them instead of what they are in the game.

And learn to read because I nowhere said Companions ARE henchmen is said Companions/henchmen which means either or or both.

And what people epic fail to grasp is, they somehow think adding companions/henchmen with stories to the game means you're not adding more of something that's already in the game.

If there are 30 companions/henchmen in the game already and then people ask for about 5 more companions/henchmen with stories to be added into the game. then now you have 35 companions/henchmen instead of just 30. The overall factor is 5 more of something that was already in the game got added. Having a storyline doesn't change what they are which are Companions/henchmen which are in the game already

There is a difference between these 2 things:
Asking for more companion/henchmen with stories to be added to the game
Is not the same as saying:
Add stories to the companions/henchmen that are already in the game.

Patching the game for the already existing companions/henchmen to have stories is far more beneficial, less time consuming and 100 times easier, than what people have been asking for which is having the developers create a completely brand new set of companions/henchmen with stories then adding them into the game.

Last edited by tx3000; 17/08/14 07:37 PM.