Joined: Jul 2014
so i used the in game Apperence editor (mirror) to change the apperaence and when i went to the portrait it went blank and wont come back. just mimics the other charaters or leader buff icon. any way to fix this with Moose tools??
BTW great tool. thank you so much for it! As previously mentioned by other posters, this seems to be an issue with LSTools and not MooseEdit. Unfortunately I am not offering support for issues caused by other programs. I would advise you to seek the author's advice. I did make a post in general issues about this issue. I dont know what LStools is by the way. ive only used your moose tools to do any editing. but thanks for the tool regardless. didnt know if there was a way to change portraits with your tool is all. though if i could over right whatever got corrupted id be good. Again thanks for the hard work on the tool Please provide the exact name of the .exe you used to do the editing, (for example, the "Notepad" program has a name "notepad.exe") and a copy of the broken save file, as well as a non-broken copy of the save file (i.e., a previous save that does not exhibit the problem).
Last edited by Dairymoose; 21/08/14 06:21 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
Thanks for the great work  I used the editor to respec my character, part of which involved putting zombie as a talent. After I loaded the game, I do have zombie as a talent, but it doesn't do what it says. I do get poison damage, so I'm not sure what went wrong. If I try to load that save (or another save) the save game editor crashes (windows 7).
Joined: Jul 2014
Check your poison resistance, it'll be 80%. That's the current in-game elemental resistance cap. Nothing to do with this tool, it's a bug from this afternoon's version update. Give it a few days and Larian'll hotfix it back (unless the 80% thing is a stealth gameplay strategy nerf not noted in the changelog).
Joined: Aug 2014
Check your poison resistance, it'll be 80%. That's the current in-game elemental resistance cap. Nothing to do with this tool, it's a bug from this afternoon's version update. Give it a few days and Larian'll hotfix it back (unless the 80% thing is a stealth gameplay strategy nerf not noted in the changelog). Oh, ok cool. Still, I can't use the editor anyway. I load a save, then when I try to click on one of the character tabs, it crashes. Tried different saves as well.
Joined: Nov 2010
Joined: Aug 2013
When I first used the program I kept listing the wrong directory for "data" and it would crash immediately...Every time, no exceptions, as soon as I selected a tab after attempting to load. The correct data folder to use is of course the only data folder there is..;)...make sure that the path includes the data directory itself and not just the parent directory--or you'll crash as I did. Path name should read X(your game install drive letter):/Divinity - Original Sin/Data then you should be able to select a saved game and hit the load button and proceed from there without a problem. That's the only crash I've had with the MooseEdit program. Also early on, I did notice that if I attempted to write back values the 1.0.107 game would not accept, then as soon as I booted the game and attempted to load the edited save the game itself would crash--not MooseEdit, the game itself would crash. Didn't know which crash precisely you might've been talking about.
I'm never wrong about anything, and so if you see an error in any of my posts you will know immediately that I did not write it...;)
Joined: Aug 2014
Hey thanks for the tip but it still crashes for me.
Since the patch I can't even play. My Madora is a zombie and poison hurts her so I have no way to heal her.
Did anyone figure out a fix for the editor so I can turn off zombie?
Joined: Aug 2014
so i used the in game Apperence editor (mirror) to change the apperaence and when i went to the portrait it went blank and wont come back. just mimics the other charaters or leader buff icon. any way to fix this with Moose tools??
BTW great tool. thank you so much for it! As previously mentioned by other posters, this seems to be an issue with LSTools and not MooseEdit. Unfortunately I am not offering support for issues caused by other programs. I would advise you to seek the author's advice. I did make a post in general issues about this issue. I dont know what LStools is by the way. ive only used your moose tools to do any editing. but thanks for the tool regardless. didnt know if there was a way to change portraits with your tool is all. though if i could over right whatever got corrupted id be good. Again thanks for the hard work on the tool Please provide the exact name of the .exe you used to do the editing, (for example, the "Notepad" program has a name "notepad.exe") and a copy of the broken save file, as well as a non-broken copy of the save file (i.e., a previous save that does not exhibit the problem). I didnt use a .exe to change the charater portrait. i used the mirror in the homestead. As for editing anything i used your moosetool download mEdit_alpha18. I dont have a unbroken save game at this point either and i dont know how to post one here for you to look at either. Still a noob on forums. Sorry. **edit fixed it! Thanks to your tool too! So when you load a saved game it also loads your PCs in the DEV tab. so i was looking in there as im new still to the tool and noted that there was a player data tab and then a custom player data tab and in that tab it lists name and icon class type ect. so i seen i was looking at my main male PC. So i found the main Female pc and she had no data there. i made a new game with the icon i wanted and saved it opened located it and then put it in my current game file and it fixed it. couldnt of done it with out your tool. Thank you so much!
Last edited by Swaco; 22/08/14 12:45 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
New version alpha19: Editor will now work on files saved since the latest patch. Changes: Updated tooltips for talents and traits Fixed issue in reading LSB files Made it more obvious which base item and which item template are selected Expanded level box so that it can be more easily seen on smaller screens Re-ordered traits screen to match in-game ordering of traits https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xggb2364417f4/MooseEdit@Swaco I actually think this is an issue that is caused by something other than a save game editor, but please provide me with your save game and I will take a look. Go to mediafire.com or dropbox.com and you should be able to upload a file and post a link to it here.
Last edited by Dairymoose; 22/08/14 12:51 AM.
Joined: Aug 2014
and when you boot the game it will peek in the assets folder and if no "textures" directory is present it will automatically load the game's default textures. To get the modded textures back just reverse the above process. I've done it several times in testing without issue.
Using MooseEdit has not presented me with any problems relating to texture mods, etc.
(Apologies if you already knew this...;)) Yes, I knew it, but after I encountered the problem I thought maybe I was mistaken... Anyway as I said I really don't change any "textures" files and now it works every time. Just to clarify... do you really can open textures_1 or _2 and see the files inside? I read that these files were a part of main textures.pak. I mean, maybe when opening textures.pak the program opens all "part files" (_1, _2, ...) and you don't have to open the "part files". If I really have corrupted both "part files" of textures I don't think I can play the game as I'm playing right know with no textures issues.
Joined: Jul 2014
and when you boot the game it will peek in the assets folder and if no "textures" directory is present it will automatically load the game's default textures. To get the modded textures back just reverse the above process. I've done it several times in testing without issue.
Using MooseEdit has not presented me with any problems relating to texture mods, etc.
(Apologies if you already knew this...;)) Yes, I knew it, but after I encountered the problem I thought maybe I was mistaken... Anyway as I said I really don't change any "textures" files and now it works every time. Just to clarify... do you really can open textures_1 or _2 and see the files inside? I read that these files were a part of main textures.pak. I mean, maybe when opening textures.pak the program opens all "part files" (_1, _2, ...) and you don't have to open the "part files". If I really have corrupted both "part files" of textures I don't think I can play the game as I'm playing right know with no textures issues. The _1 and _2 files are not meant to be opened directly. When opening and extracting files from the Textures.pak, some of the files in the list are from _1 and _2 (most of them are, actually). Opening _1 and _2 directly is not supposed to work. Also I am thinking about working on either a waypoint editor or an appearance editor next. Does anyone have a preference?
Last edited by Dairymoose; 22/08/14 03:01 PM.
Joined: Nov 2010
New version alpha19: Editor will now work on files saved since the latest patch. Changes: Updated tooltips for talents and traits Fixed issue in reading LSB files Made it more obvious which base item and which item template are selected Expanded level box so that it can be more easily seen on smaller screens Re-ordered traits screen to match in-game ordering of traits https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xggb2364417f4/MooseEdit Thanks, this version does not crash any more when clicking character tab!
Joined: Jul 2014
Appearance editor please (also portrait editor would be cool too). I want to change how my henchman looks...Why is Cain a redhead when his portrait is a blonde dude?!
Joined: Aug 2014
with this mod, is there any way currently to modify quests or conversation flags with npcs? if not, is anyone aware of how to work with them at all?
Joined: Aug 2014
Hey Moose, thanks for the awesome editor.
If I may offer a suggestion though. In the Skills menu, it would be great if you could modify the program so that I can use SHIFT-CLICK to select a whole group of abilities to add, rather than having to manually select each one to add individually. It would just be a lot more convenient. Thanks in advance.
Last edited by kiph; 23/08/14 08:23 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
I downloaded this editor because I wanted to force the completionf of Gobling Trouble quest, I let the workers kill Lawrence before returing the goblin head to him. It is a bug, the game should either cancel this quest or let you complete it somehow. Anyway, I understand this can't be done with this editor? There was no readme and I could not find anything related with quests when I loaded my latest savegame in the editor. Any help?
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm currently working on the appearance editor but it is a fairly significant feature and it will take some time to develop. So the next version may not be out for a bit. @kiph I'll add this, if not in the next release, then the one after that. I downloaded this editor because I wanted to force the completionf of Gobling Trouble quest, I let the workers kill Lawrence before returing the goblin head to him. It is a bug, the game should either cancel this quest or let you complete it somehow. Anyway, I understand this can't be done with this editor? There was no readme and I could not find anything related with quests when I loaded my latest savegame in the editor. Any help? Quest editing isn't supported yet. Not sure when I will get to it, and it's not something I'm currently working on.
Joined: Aug 2014
What are all the extra talents we can see on the editor? Are they talents that might actually make it, into the game? Like catapult?
Joined: Jul 2014
Pretty sure they're abilities that didn't make it through all the auditions, Divinity Idol style.
Joined: Aug 2014
Haha, nice answer! I hope we can modify them soon, in order to add them. Some of them seem pretty interesting
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