Originally Posted by Dairymoose
Originally Posted by Swaco
Originally Posted by Dairymoose
Originally Posted by Swaco
so i used the in game Apperence editor (mirror) to change the apperaence and when i went to the portrait it went blank and wont come back. just mimics the other charaters or leader buff icon. any way to fix this with Moose tools??

BTW great tool. thank you so much for it!

As previously mentioned by other posters, this seems to be an issue with LSTools and not MooseEdit. Unfortunately I am not offering support for issues caused by other programs. I would advise you to seek the author's advice.

I did make a post in general issues about this issue. I dont know what LStools is by the way. ive only used your moose tools to do any editing. but thanks for the tool regardless. didnt know if there was a way to change portraits with your tool is all. though if i could over right whatever got corrupted id be good. Again thanks for the hard work on the tool

Please provide the exact name of the .exe you used to do the editing, (for example, the "Notepad" program has a name "notepad.exe") and a copy of the broken save file, as well as a non-broken copy of the save file (i.e., a previous save that does not exhibit the problem).

I didnt use a .exe to change the charater portrait. i used the mirror in the homestead. As for editing anything i used your moosetool download mEdit_alpha18. I dont have a unbroken save game at this point either and i dont know how to post one here for you to look at either. Still a noob on forums. Sorry.

**edit fixed it! Thanks to your tool too! So when you load a saved game it also loads your PCs in the DEV tab. so i was looking in there as im new still to the tool and noted that there was a player data tab and then a custom player data tab and in that tab it lists name and icon class type ect. so i seen i was looking at my main male PC. So i found the main Female pc and she had no data there. i made a new game with the icon i wanted and saved it opened located it and then put it in my current game file and it fixed it. couldnt of done it with out your tool. Thank you so much!

Last edited by Swaco; 22/08/14 12:45 AM.