Originally Posted by Archaven
This sounds weird. It seems there's a group that want balance and more hard and there's a group that love how it's used to be previously. So Larian upset the masses simply by listening to one group of people that love the harder game. Correct me if i'm wrong.

I won't say you are wrong but there is a third possibility. That they made the change because they felt it wasn't correct. Thus not trying to please or piss off anyone. I know my game wouldn't have such cheese tactics in it. To call it hard by making the change, I look at it as making a logical correcting to the games design.

I like what one said, to make both sides happy either make tie difficulty level dictate it or a toggle. Since they created a precedence, you will always upset someone and we never know the % of the total fan-base is upset when a change is made. I took these matters in my hand once I knew a way to mod them out. For example I have 360 FOV for NPC's so you can't walk into a room and steal from them. That was cheese to. Best thing about PC gaming, with a little know-how many things you can tweak on your own.