Originally Posted by fonq
I ended up with WAY to powerful characters without even trying. I didn't min max or whatever. I just played the game the way it was offered to me, without any backup. Simply by taking advantage of the terrain with my geo/pyro build, encercling (is that a word?) ennemies, using teleport/feathers to feed madora, healing with jahan and tanking with my main, i had no problems.

This is bound to happen in a game where half of abilities are damage and CC and high INT decreases cooldowns until you can spam any spell.

I don't know why Larian implements nerfs that don't even make the game harder. But it's even more puzzling that people are complaining about them. Does anyone here seriously find the game challenging?

My first (and probably last) playthrough was on Hard. I didn't pick any OP talents like Leech or GC. I didn't care about resistances at all. I even made some (minor) mistakes in character development early and still I couldn't find a single hard fight after hitting level 6.

First few fights may be demanding but once you get Teleport -> Boulder Bash -> Fireball -> Dust Devil routine going nothing can even touch you.

Last edited by prodigydancer; 27/08/14 11:28 AM.