Originally Posted by Horrorscope
Originally Posted by Blaze997
The whole mechanic involving lower cooldowns for spells based on intelligence needs to be changed. Tweak the cooldowns but remove this feature please. Str and Dex skills don't get reduced cooldowns, and it's not like Int characters have any of the restrictions they usually have, like mana or spells per day, so why do only they get this benefit again?

Blaze I am finding this one hard to balance as I mod the difficulty. I don't want nearly any spell less Magnus to have only a 1 turn cooldown, to make a skill spam-able. So the basic one hitters (Bolt/Flare and the like) in each elemental, how do you get that for the entire game as your Int continues to grow? So what I have to do is pick something like Int 12 is the last int level where the basic one hitters per elemental is 2 Turns to cooldown, but 13+ it goes back to one. But at the beginning then for these skills with Int 8 these are 5-6 turn cooldowns, which is a little long at that point. I go with it that way, makes the game harder, but in general this mechanic makes it hard to balance the game throughout.

Exactly, the mechanic is hard to balance as is, that's why it needs to go away. Each spells should have a reasonable cooldown and it should not change with Int. The basic single target bolt spells should have a 1 turn cooldown from the start.