I am trying to revive NPC. His name is Frederick and he is in Lucilla Forest. He was killed by a Spider Queen and now I cannot complete two quests. I am already far in the game. I have found in MooseEdit all characters, but there are no names on them, I cannot find Frederick.
Is there any chance you might add character names as one of the properties?
I used Larian Editor to find the code name of the Frederic and it is: LUC_ImpMaster <86b4da9a-bec4-43a8-80f3-86705d235b31>, is there any way I can search characters in MooseEditor by this code name?
Or if not, can I use location search, so mooseedtor only shows me characters on(around) my Player location?

Last edited by amonra; 14/09/14 09:57 AM.