Joined: Jul 2014
I found it a fairly challenging battle. I beat it first attempt with reading no prior strategy, but it still had me sweating a little unlike other encounters in the game. The 4 stone golems in the Hunter's Edge Temple was probably a little tougher.
Joined: Jul 2014
If anyone still having problems- last resort tactics: Save up your Voodoo Dolls for the final battle, It's not almost cheating but direct god-mode. Thus the final boss can be done even with solo archer in one to two rounds (don't get me wrong- archer is my second favorite class since GW1 after THE mesmer) and I'm curious how these dolls were not eaten by a patch.
Joined: Dec 2013
I found it a fairly challenging battle. I beat it first attempt with reading no prior strategy, but it still had me sweating a little unlike other encounters in the game. The 4 stone golems in the Hunter's Edge Temple was probably a little tougher. Just charm the Air titan golem, sneak, and enjoy the show. Every other golem will heal him when attacking him, as he is the only one capable of damaging the others - and he does some fairly decent damage !
The Brotherhood of norD is love, the Brotherhood of norD is life.
Joined: Sep 2014
I just registered to say that Astarte, she who has been battling the void dragon for centuries all alone, kept casting water life, bless and haste all through out the battle. Thanks. Bye
ps: Although the game is quite good, this was one of the many logical inconsistencies that really kills the rpg mood of the game.
Joined: Aug 2014
Just finished this fight yesterday. Apart from having enough Voodoo Dolls (0 action points? WTF ...) for 3 dragons the fight made clear that the main target was Astarte. 2 of 3 of the dragons summons started near her and the first dragon attack went solely her direction.
Even without the dolls the fight would have been fairly easy. First round - get party near and divine light/lower resistances/drain willpower. Second round - stun, freeze, trip, knock whatever is available. 3rd round - start doing serious damage. I only remembered my stockpiled dolls in this round.
Yep, definitely a disappointment compared to some fights before, especially the Cyseal boss fight against Braccus, which was comparatively much more difficult.
Regards, Thorsten
Joined: Aug 2014
I wish I would have got to the final dragon fight before Larain patched it because as it stands I can't possibly win this fight at level 20 and I don't feel like leveling any more. I loved the game up until this fight but now Astarte is retarded to the point of running up so close to the dragon, does not help my party at all and I can't knock down, stun or freeze the dragon and he dictates the fight because he gets like 5 hits per turn and I get one hit per turn and when I hit him I decrease his HP by such a small amount that its almost a waste of my time to even try to hit him. What a joke, and what a BAD ending fight to an other wise great game. Sucks they thought they should patch it to make it more difficult and in fact so difficult its impossible to win the fight now...good job on ruining an otherwise great game! 
Joined: Aug 2014
I wish I would have got to the final dragon fight before Larain patched it because as it stands I can't possibly win this fight at level 20 and I don't feel like leveling any more. I loved the game up until this fight but now Astarte is retarded to the point of running up so close to the dragon, does not help my party at all and I can't knock down, stun or freeze the dragon and he dictates the fight because he gets like 5 hits per turn and I get one hit per turn and when I hit him I decrease his HP by such a small amount that its almost a waste of my time to even try to hit him. What a joke, and what a BAD ending fight to an other wise great game. Sucks they thought they should patch it to make it more difficult and in fact so difficult its impossible to win the fight now...good job on ruining an otherwise great game! How about a more constructive approach to your problem instead of this. If you can not beat him at level 20, you are doing something wrong, do not blame the game for your inability to overcome an obstacle. If the issue is purely Astarte her AI, then make sure to get your party next to her at the start of the fight. Then mister void dragon is more likely to attack your party members. As some advice, the dragon can be knocked down and blinded, lower/nullify resistances work miracles as does the -5 willpower debuff and divine light. Curse arrow or con debuff arrows. And a 2 hander melee with wildfire, oath of descration, rage, flurry should be able to do tons of damage to him. (In some cases outright kills him). Next time instead of trying to mask your inability to overcome an obstacle, just ask for help/advice instead of acting like a 8 year old. Goodluck on your attempt to beat void dragon! With kind regards, Rashar.
Last edited by Rashar; 11/09/14 11:42 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
As some advice, the dragon can be knocked down and blinded, lower/nullify resistances work miracles as does the -5 willpower debuff and divine light. Curse arrow or con debuff arrows. And a 2 hander melee with wildfire, oath of descration, rage, flurry should be able to do tons of damage to him. (In some cases outright kills him).
It can even be Soulsapped! The Void Dragon does not have high CON - he simply has a high ratio of CON to HP. Soulsap dramatically lowers CON(== HP) and resistances. Combine it with a few more debuffs that reduce CON (Disease, special arrows, etc) and you can reduce the dragon's HP by more than 5k before doing any damage to it. If anything, I thought the final fight was far too easy. The Void Dragon is not really resistant or immune to anything, unlike half of the enemies in the Phantom Forest. It's far too simple to incapacitate him for the entire fight. They should have made Arhu (with his Hunter's Edge stats) the final boss.
Last edited by Emberstrife; 12/09/14 03:24 PM.
Joined: Aug 2014
True. Someone who has real problems with a level 20 party to kill the fragon must have a 100% resistance against learning anything from the fights before.
Unfortunately this specific 100% heal nothing.
Regards, Thorsten
Joined: Sep 2014
I found the fight to be interesting without being overly challenging. But I guess everyone sets up their parties differently. With the combination of a shielded warrior staring down the dragon (with Divine Light to aid CC), and ranged dealing with CC itself, the adds and Astarte, it all just worked.
Joined: May 2014
I found the fight to be interesting without being overly challenging. But I guess everyone sets up their parties differently. With the combination of a shielded warrior staring down the dragon (with Divine Light to aid CC), and ranged dealing with CC itself, the adds and Astarte, it all just worked. Yes it is interesting how people choose to confront the dragon. I just finished my second run through this past weekend and the second fight was much quicker lasting less than ten mins but unlike you I did not try and tank him at all. Soulsap and drain willpower with combos of stun and freeze as well as keeping two bloodswarm on him just took him right out of the fight and he never seriously threatened Astarte.
Joined: Sep 2014
I've run into a serious problem with this fight an I'm not sure it's even possible to win it now. Me and a friend started a Lone Wolf playthrough (mage and 2H fighter) about a week ago and we've just gotten up to the first part of this fight, where it turns out to be pretty much impossible to win, due to Astarte being the dumbest and most useless NPC in the game.
She will happily run into all the deathknights and despite summons, they will often aggro on her anyway (even if she by chance actually stays back). On top of that, she often uses her abilities incorrectly and can only heal herself for 82 damage, despite the knights hitting her for some 500. You can't teleport the Princes, even after removing invincibility (but you can on the summoned ones, it seems) and there just isn't enough AP to go around to both keep her and my friend alive.
It's incredibly frustrating to have played 40 hours or so and then being forced to lose because the massive final battle is essentially an Escort Mission of the worst kind. I'd like to point out that it's not because either of us die: I can keep him going for a very long time and he's ridiculously tanky as it is. We lose because Astarte does something stupid and then no amount of crowd control or AP can save her, thanks to Deathknight invincibility. It seems like a fairly big design oversight to include a suicidal NPC who must stay alive at any cost and then not do something to buff her or weaken the enemies, based on the amount of party members present (or at the very least let the player control her).
The game has occasionally been tough, but always fair, which somehow doesn't apply to the final fight. It's just a shame if 40 hours of nonstop fun has been ruined by an incredibly imbalanced fight in the end, so I hope someone has some protips. It just shouldn't be this problematic to win the final battle with two players, considering the game is also balanced around the Lone Wolf concept.
Did they just straight up forget to rebalance her for the fight?
Last edited by Zinn; 22/09/14 04:03 AM.
Joined: Sep 2014
I think different group compositions will struggle on different fights. I don't see that as bad design though. I definitely had more trouble in other areas. I would find the ending less satisfying if the final fight was any easier.
Joined: Sep 2014
By the way, it has been commented by others, but if a mod happens to see this and is able to change the title of the thread. Something like 'Final Fight' would be much less of a spoiler 
Joined: Feb 2015
I found this fight fairly straight forward and quite a bit too easy on normal settings using level 21 characters. Two of my guys were set to be total brutes hack 'en slashers. The archer knew the minor hp recover skill and could summon ice and spiders. I used the mage to also summon other elemental placing them in the front line. The archer would use some charm arrows on the dragons summons. I had to heal Astroge once. My brutes laid it into the dragon hard and the archer used some scrolls and silver tipped arrows to weaken him. When every one was healed up the mage would drop a poisoned rock from the sky or a small fire ball using the archer's silver tips would help as well. Air seemed useless against the dragon but once weakened he could be stunned but may end up wasting your ap if trying to stun him soul sap seemed to help as well.
Scarlett archer
Strength 15 | Damage 192-336 dexterity 13 | Armor 163 Intelligence 10 | Critical chance 9% Constitution 8 | Offence 121 Speed 9 | Defense 124 Perception 8 | Vitality 1432 Action Points 9
Weapon: Salved Bowyer's Composite Bow of the Master Piercing 82-142 Air 25-43 Tenebrium 25-43 Strength +2 Dexterity +2 Leadership +1 HP +74 20% Stunned
Rodrick Two handed man of arms
Strength 20 | Damage 469-934 Dexterity 7 | Armor 192 Intelligence 5 | Blocking 0% Constitution 9 | Critical Chance 16% Speed 11 | Offence 163 Perception 9 | Defense 94 Action points 9 | Vitality 1416
Weapon: (crafted) Superior Two handed Axe Slashing 236-471 Tenebrium 71-141 4 Action Points Critical Damage x2.0 Critical chance 5% Strength +2 Dexterity +2
Madora Two handed man of arms
Strength 18 | Damage 375-950 Dexterity 7 | Armor 202 Intelligence 5 | Blocking 0% Constitution 10 | Critical Chance 11% Speed 10 | Offence 154 Perception 8 | Defense 98 Action points 8 | Vitality 1507
Weapon: Fatal Sharp ornate Scythe of the Fire Band Slashing 155-393 Fire 46-117 Tenebrium 46-117 Critical Damage x2.0 Critical chance 5% Strength +2 Dexterity +2
Strength 11 | Damage 57-138 Dexterity 10 | Armor 135 Intelligence 18 | Blocking 0% Constitution 13 | Critical Chance 8% Speed 7 | Offence 148 Perception 9 | Defense 113 | Vitality 2550
Weapon: Concrete Mystical Earth Staff of the Colossal Fire 5-13 Critical Damage x1.5 Strength +2 Dexterity +2 Intelligence +3 Constitution +3 HP +101 10% chance to set petrified 15% Chance set Mute
Joined: Feb 2015
Astarte is a useless dumbass in the final fight, always trying to get her moronic self killed,
I keep her Alive by healing her every turn ( sometimes twice) with one of the party members, I give all healing scrolls to the Knight or Rogue so he can heal her every turn since she is useless, the wizard has heals anyways os she can also heal.
Joined: Jan 2009
When I fought the final boss, I was doing it on Normal difficulty, with a party of four:
Shadowblade (Witchcraft/Scoundrel) Wizard (Fire/Earth/...some Water) Jahan (Water/Air/Witchcraft) Madora (Fighter)
I didn't have any crafted weapons, my best dagger was the Snakebite. I didn't use any CC on the boss at all.
I spent the first part of the fight healing Astarte-the-Tissue-Paper-Goddess, and trying to kill all the minions. As soon as the boss summoned in his first wave of reinforcements, I realized that I had to spend some time focusing on him. My Shadowblade went behind it.
The boss completely ignored all my backstabs as long as I was sneaking at the end of my turn. Eventually, after I whittled down the summons enough, Madora was able to join the fight.
I didn't die, the fight wasn't particularly hard, I just didn't like the "escort mission" part of it. The Void Dragon focused on her too much and ignored the rest of the party.
Joined: Feb 2015
STabbey truer words were never spoken "tissue paper goddess" LMFAOROTF.
Yes she is frustrating.
Joined: Jan 2015
The fight is pretty simple (I did it twice on hard difficulty already, without any problems). The idea is to charm one of the minions (not the dragon :D) and then incapacitate the dragon as well as you can (you best have a mage with INT 25+ to do this) while hacking away. Blind and Stun works especially well.
Astarte's an idiot. You best have an active healing spell on her all the time, otherwise she'll just die on you. If possible, take her out with an AOE stun or something.