There are exactly two points in the game where sudden death is unavoidable without a real proper warning. One of the graves on the Church graveyard in Cyseal and the crypt graves in Astartes temple Luculla mines. The Black Cove trap is obvious, as the visible mounts for fire death should be known from former expeditions like the blacksmith cellar in Cyseal. The trap trigger can be easily spotted (and avoided) with perception 9. No perception in your party? Bad and obviously bad party setup!

Well, actually only the first one - the visible lava eruption in the crypt should warn you to be cautious.

So, I disagree except for the first item. And quite frankly - as a newbie to RPG I would expect some real danger, otherwise it would be a Kindergarten with magic.


Last edited by Thorsten; 21/09/14 07:28 PM.