Have to agree that NWN1 was rubbish.
Whoever thought of taking a game system (AD&D) designed for 6-8 characters and trying to make the next Diablo out of it was not thinking very clearly (That's the nice version!

The original release was also really buggy.
It may have been a great tool set, but it was a lousy game.
I don't think NWN was trying to be the next Diablo. Virtually nothing about it is like Diablo as it's not loot based or combat based so I disagree with your views. The original campaign was lousy but the mechanics of the game were executed well and it is probably one of the best AD&D games that actually works. For the better role-playing experience, you have the final expansion of the game which gives you a great campaign.
I brought NWN well after release when it released completely finished and with all of its expansions so I'm only rating the entire package here.
Thanks gods I'm not the only one good to know, BioWare fanbase it's just like all fanbase, every games are good for they..
Quite untrue. If you've ever read their forums, you'll find that you have people there who hate Baldur's Gate especially in the sub-forums for some of their newer games. You also have a fairly large bunch who hate DA2 and ME3.
The worst RPG I've played in recent years would have to be Skyrim. My main problem is that there is minimal roleplaying. Most of the time it doesn't matter what you say or what you do. The end result is almost always the same. There is only one way to resolve most quests. There is only one way to resolve the main storyline. You could become the grandmaster of everything in the game and save the world and the guards and most NPCs will still be just as snooty to you as they were when you were a nobody (most of the time). For example, if you become the Master of the Thieves' guild, the bartender in the ratway will not stop saying "So you're Brynjolf's new protege eh? Don't look like much to me." Sure, there are plenty of mods that can make it look better and tweak the combat, but the roleplaying and story are flawed to the core which ruins the game for me.
Ditto, it's also the most overrated RPG in recent years. Skyrim fanboys are the worst too. If you thought Bioware fanboys were bad, you haven't argued with a fanboy of Skryim yet! They literally think that their depthless and shallow game is somehow superior to other RPG's because of its empty open world.
I doubt many of the Skyrim fanboys even have the capacity to focus for more than five minutes which is probably why they enjoy Skyrim so much, the game doesn't require much thought, it's just senseless action combined with very minimal roleplaying and unlike other action-RPG's, it doesn't do the action well.
The writing is horrible too. You expect better from an AAA team with a big budget. Even Dragon Age 2 had better writing and that game was rushed.
It's no surprise that many people who think Skyrim is the "best RPG evar!!11" absolutely despise Morrowind and can't complete it. That's a game with non-linear quests, many of which required thought as there's no hand guiding. Unfortunately, it too suffered from terribad combat but at least it was a good RPG.