I registered to say this:

I'm level 13-14 now and have basically cleared out most if not all of Luculla Forest and the mines
(including fighting the spider queen while I was level 11, though I had to go down to Normal from Hard)

and yet I still haven't found the way to get the barrier down. I did find and get through the trapped cliff and looted the chest, but to get away I used Tactical Retreat because I didn't realize it was a pressure plate/thought the [b]entire area[/b] would trigger the lava. So now my only choice is to kill the mushrooms? or come back when I get over 100 fire resist to... dig?

I've had no problems with the non-linearity of the game so far and wandered around in Cyseal killing things 2 levels ahead of me no problem and did almost all the quests out of order, but Find the White Witch! really does give no clues. The entry in the quest log is basically useless, the mushrooms tell you something useless or worse than useless, talking to Zixzax now doesn't tell me anything (I play with a co-op partner so maybe he triggered the "kill the mushrooms line" and didn't bother to mention it to me as a good portion of the dialogue in the game is pointless flavour text).

So despite being able to brush off everything else and still enjoy the game (and I still do), this white witch/beginning of Luculla is pretty unpolished and somewhat of a disappointment, especially in retrospect. All we can hope is that Larian considers different perspectives for QC on future releases. Actual sloppiness is not the same as "not hand-holding." Like a person trying to pass off every typo they make as "it's good for their language learning skills to be able to parse imperfect information! that includes poor spelling!"

...so am I going to be punished by experiencing Hiberheim enemies as below my level now?

Protip for Larian, dev to dev: make weaker enemies scale with your as you level; that way you can still grind to face higher leveled enemies "before you should" for the challenge and awesomeness but doesn't trivialize the now-lower-leveled-area and make it boring.

Last edited by podian; 30/10/14 06:52 AM.