Is there a key that will stop the active player?
As in "cancel current movement plan" sort stop
or even as in "interrupt the spell or action in progress"?

A stop key would be really nice in particular in the number of mine fields found in the game.

All the mine fields in the game make this a very desirable key to have.

Oddly enough other character will walk around spotted mines but the one that refuses to do that is the current character, so it's not like there is an internal RPG rule to break by adding the option for a main character to alter their flight plan a little by adding a detour in flight to move around the visible hazard.

I guess in technical terms the the movement path is set when the command is issued and isn't updated by any new hazards that become apparent over the command is issued.
So the result is a character's path will mostly avoid hazards visible before command issuance, but won't alter the path afterward.

Take your pick I guess

1) let the main character detour around new hazards if that character spots them or if another party member spots it more than say 1-2 seconds before the leader gets there

2) add an option to "stop when a new trap is revealed" I phrased it this way so we don't get a broken version where the character stops each team any trap that is already visible comes in to range. Since this has to be written as code, the details matter

3) add a stop key

4) mostly off topic - add full character movement control keys

5) even more off topic - add keys to do almost everything that a mouse click can do