Joined: Mar 2003
Khaelenmore; There is a known issue with Boreas' AI; I'll add your description to the bug report. I'm not sure if it would be required, but if you email supportdos@larian.com with the report.zip file generated by the D:OS support tool (for the PC version), I'll add that as well. The report will contain system and game information, as well as your saved games. To reduce the file size you can delete most of the saves from the zip, just leaving one before this fight. zenblack; Same for the Steam version.
Joined: Nov 2014
First let me thank you for the patch, but unfortunately since the patch I'm experiencing the same problem as delu: Since this patch, clicking items on the toolbar (such as to switch weapons or equipment with) now removes the item from the toolbar for me. Even if I open the Inventory and select "Equip" for an equipment that is on my toolbar, it gets removed from the toolbar and so does the equipped item (that I also have on the toolbar). Are we the only ones experiencing this? If it's a known issue, please fix it asap as it makes the game unbearably annoying to play!
Joined: Sep 2014
If that doesn't help, please email supportdos@larian.com, with a description of the problem and the report.zip file generated by the D:OS support tool (for the PC version). The report will contain system and game information, as well as your saved games. To reduce the file size, you can delete all but one save from the zip, since the problem is not directly related saves themselves (unless possibly a new save is fine but an existing save in a recreated profile displays the same symptoms). Oh, neat idea. I will use it myself, as I feel that my "bug report" post didn't get any attention...  Thank you!
Joined: Nov 2014
Another bug, Madora no longer makes a voice comment after speaking to Thelryon. (There might be more of these, I only really remember Madora's because she's funny as hell)
Joined: Nov 2014
Can you please fix the multiplayer stat loading bug? So frustrating playing with my friend who has 5 min+ load times and more than half of the loads, his stats are all at 5.
Please fix this. The game is unplayable in co-op.
Joined: May 2013
Hi, could you please release a patch which fix all missing sounds?
Joined: Sep 2013
Thanks for the patch Is there any plans to make 1handed/2handed abilities affect tenebrium weapons? For now they don't worth spending points because of becoming absolutely useless for high-level characters
Joined: Aug 2014
Something is really completely wrong with Boreas fight in the new patch.
I confirm he randomly walks around during players turn. The whole fight: Fire statue crumbles, fight initiates, ranger has first shot, before its second Boreas positions himself directly before the ranger, ranger takes 2nd shot with fire and damages nearby mage, mage teleports Boreas, Boreas glides back into position, mages initiates minor heal, Boreas drops dead.
Rant: Why oh why are too many developers following Microsofts first 20 years - patch 100 things and break 50 things unbroken before ...
Regards, Thorsten
Joined: May 2013
Rant: Why oh why are too many developers following Microsofts first 20 years - patch 100 things and break 50 things unbroken before ... Because every time one fiddles with code this size, one inadvertently creates bugs. It's like a law of the times we live in.
Unless otherwise specified, just an opinion or simple curiosity.
Joined: Nov 2014
Turn based heals are sometimes still not working correctly.
It seems if a hydrosophist casts a second heal during the last turn of a previously cast heal, there is a chance the previously cast heal will get cut short.
Here is how I've been replicating the issue: Scarlett casts Strong Regenerate on Roderick Scarlett then casts Minor Heal on herself immediately after Roderick only receives one heal from Strong Regenerate instead of two.
It almost seems that if the second heal gets cast too close to the last "tick" of an existing heal, then the existing one gets overridden. I'd imagine using Cure Wounds instead of hydro spells would have the same effect but haven't tried it.
I have also noticed that if one has two weapons in their shortcut bar -- say a dagger and a bow -- and clicks one to equip it, the weapon does get equipped but then ALL weapons get cleared out of the bar and are replaced with empty slots.
Last edited by PCDoc; 02/11/14 08:08 PM.
Joined: Nov 2014
Oath of Desecration and Rage are still stacking on both my warriors, too. One has a two-handed sword with 5 points in Man-At-Arms and 4 points in Witchcraft (he casts Oath on the second warrior), the other has a two-handed axe and can use Rage after being buffed with Oath and both the buff icon and damage increase are showing up.
I'm not complaining though.
Joined: Aug 2014
Lone Wolf 60%? in talent shows one thing and another in the vitality
Last edited by pereiraswe; 03/11/14 05:16 PM.
Joined: Aug 2013
Raze; I'll send the report as soon as I have access to my gaming PC (on Wednesday, no sooner). Thank you for your response.
Joined: Nov 2014
Larian, what does: "4Player Mod crash fix"
refer to ?
4 player was working fine (changing in main_1.pak) until this newest patch, now the game crashes if I try to change it from "2" to "4"... what happened and how can I get 4 players working again ?
Joined: Nov 2014
Is there any chance for a patch/hotfix in the near future? These regressions are widespread, the sounds in particular.
Joined: May 2013
.....some issues are addressed in the next patch - Larian have no ETA on when that patch will arrive. I hope a few days before Christmas - including Dual Wielding and a new herder Difficultly Level
Last edited by john carmack; 06/11/14 11:28 AM.
Joined: Nov 2014
Still no info on what this refers to in the patch notes: "4Player Mod crash fix" ?
Joined: Mar 2003
After the 1.0.169/1.0.177 updates some people experienced crashes in multiplayer with the 4 player mods active (in one case the person joining the game on a particular system crashes whenever opening a character's inventory; a different system had IIRC random crashes). Presumably 1.0.219 doesn't have such issues.
Joined: Nov 2014
Raze.. You are awesome. Your advice completely worked. The presence of a Main_1_copy.pak file in the directory in addition to the modified Main_1.pak file was crashing the game. With the original in a separate directory, the game works flawlessly for 4 players now. THANKS !!!!
Moderated by ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian