Joined: Dec 2014
Hi Moose,
Firstly, I want to thank you for all the efforts.
I am pretty new to this game and the save editor, is there a tutorial thread for the save editor?
I tried to edit the gold and attributes for my newly created characters (yes, they are still standing on the beach).After I done the edit (set gold to 2000 from 200 and gave +2 stats for each attribute for both of the characters), I pressed "save all changes" button and overwrote the global.lsb. Then I loaded the edited save from the game. Then I found nothing is changed, my gold is still 200 and my attributes were not increased.
So I reloaded the edited save file from save editor again, and I found the save editor crashes whenever I tried to reload the edited save file. I have no idea what is going on. Please help.
Last edited by neon1300; 12/12/14 12:22 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
I just did essentially this in a new game, and had no problem. If you edited a quicksave, are you sure you reloaded the right one?
I made a named save, loaded it in the editor, and in the inventory tab for each character, right clicked on the gold and selected Edit Item, clicked the General button, changed the amount and then clicked on the Apply button. For the attributes, I just highlighted each number and changed it to a 9. Then I clicked on the 'Save all changes' button, switched back to the game, reloaded, and the gold and attribute changes showed up. I didn't need to go into the Dev or PAK tabs.
Joined: Dec 2014
I just did essentially this in a new game, and had no problem. If you edited a quicksave, are you sure you reloaded the right one?
I made a named save, loaded it in the editor, and in the inventory tab for each character, right clicked on the gold and selected Edit Item, clicked the General button, changed the amount and then clicked on the Apply button. For the attributes, I just highlighted each number and changed it to a 9. Then I clicked on the 'Save all changes' button, switched back to the game, reloaded, and the gold and attribute changes showed up. I didn't need to go into the Dev or PAK tabs.
Hi Raze, Thanks for the reply. I just started a new game and named a save file as SP_01, and edited it with the editor without touching the Dev and PAK tabs this time. Pressed the 'Save all changes' button after editing. However, the problem still existed, the editor shows I have successfully edited the gold and the attributes that both of my characters have 9k gold and +2 extra attributes everytime I reloads the SP_01 with the editor, however, nothing has changed in game. If the moose editor does not work for me, should I try lstools instead?
Last edited by neon1300; 12/12/14 01:15 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
It shouldn't be necessary, but did you try quitting the game and restarting?
Try deleting the Globals.lsb.bak from the save folder, or moving it elsewhere.
What version of the game do you have? The version number is shown in the main menu, under the column of buttons.
Joined: Dec 2014
It shouldn't be necessary, but did you try quitting the game and restarting?
Tried, not working Try deleting the Globals.lsb.bak from the save folder, or moving it elsewhere.
wierd, there is no such file in my save folder What version of the game do you have? The version number is shown in the main menu, under the column of buttons.
Joined: Mar 2003
If you exit MooseEdit, restart it and reload the SP_01 save, does it still show the changes you made? Maybe it is not actually saving, but when you re-load it in the editor it keeps the changes.
Are you shutting down all non-essential programs, such as anti-virus (that could be conflicting with or actively blocking edits to the save folders)?
Joined: Dec 2014
If you exit MooseEdit, restart it and reload the SP_01 save, does it still show the changes you made? Maybe it is not actually saving, but when you re-load it in the editor it keeps the changes.
Are you shutting down all non-essential programs, such as anti-virus (that could be conflicting with or actively blocking edits to the save folders)?
OMG, thanks Raze, it finally worked after I turned my comodo anti-virus off ! I can't believe why I did not think of that!! Thank you! You are my hero!
Last edited by neon1300; 12/12/14 10:29 AM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Having trouble opening the file at the moment.
I keep getting the error "this application failed to start because i could not find or load the qt platform plugin 'windows'" Make sure that you extract all the files instead of trying to run it from inside the zip.
Joined: Dec 2014
Joined: Nov 2014
Can anyone explain to me why some items in the editor show up with different stats than ingame? For example, an amulet with Strength +2 in the editor will have Strength +1 ingame, while a suit of armour with Str +2 ingame reads Str +1 in the editor. I can post examples if needed.
Joined: Jul 2014
@Tearz, I would try running the application from a different computer and see if it works for you. I suspect that there is some software that you might have running that is interfering, or the files were not extracted in a way that preserves the original file paths. @Vandervecken, You're right, some of the tooltips are inaccurate. The items have stats determined by their base item, mods, and perm boosts and each stat has its own unique formula for scaling. I tried to match a lot of the formulas but many are still incorrect. There are only a few stats that I made certain are correct that include weapon damage, armour, and a few others. But anything else can be using the wrong formula.
Joined: Dec 2014
Sorted the problem by uninstalling QT as it was trying to launch through it instead of just launching as an executable file. 
Joined: Feb 2014
To the OP: THANK YOU!!
Wow. I cannot say that enough. Awhile back I loaded a save game in my hex editor just to check it out but made no adjustments to it. Loaded back up and played for about three hours when suddenly it crashed. It kept crashing every time I loaded it and so I went back to the previous save and crashed again. It did it all the way back to the original save I had loaded in my hex editor and it was doing it whenever I opened my inventory and moused over my sword. I was pissed and thinking three hours lost but decided to check for a save game editor.
Found this thread, downloaded it, loaded up my save game and immediately found the problem. I don't know how, but something got messed up on the sword. I fixed it in your wonderful program and I've gone another hour on the final save with no problems.
Simply, you rock!
"I may grow old but I will never grow up." ~ Mark Twain
Joined: Dec 2014
Works very well, thank you! Here's a couple things I'd like to see:
When adding experience to a character, either have it not change the level so the game itself can do this or add the appropriate number of ability points/skill points/talents. eg if I add 5 levels worth of experience, have it add 5 level's worth of points to spend. Right now, you can add experience but the only benefit you get from it is the vitality, since it automatically adjusts your level but doesn't add the points you would receive.
Item editing is a little confusing for me. I figured out how to increase an item's level which seems to have a built in scale for damage range and whatnot, but adding abilities is a bit confusing. Sometimes what I pick doesn't show at all so I'm not sure if it works and doesn't show, or just didn't work at all.
Great job so far though, I haven't had any issues as far as errors etc while using it, and no broken saves!
Last edited by chriseggroll; 28/12/14 06:37 PM.
Joined: Jul 2014
Works very well, thank you! Here's a couple things I'd like to see:
When adding experience to a character, either have it not change the level so the game itself can do this or add the appropriate number of ability points/skill points/talents. eg if I add 5 levels worth of experience, have it add 5 level's worth of points to spend. Right now, you can add experience but the only benefit you get from it is the vitality, since it automatically adjusts your level but doesn't add the points you would receive.
Item editing is a little confusing for me. I figured out how to increase an item's level which seems to have a built in scale for damage range and whatnot, but adding abilities is a bit confusing. Sometimes what I pick doesn't show at all so I'm not sure if it works and doesn't show, or just didn't work at all.
Great job so far though, I haven't had any issues as far as errors etc while using it, and no broken saves!
The save does not actually capture your character level. Instead, the character level is determined by the experience. So by increasing the experience it increases the in-game level (and increasing a character's level actually means modifying their experience amount). I am considering adding a "Respec" type button that lets you reset attributes/talents/etc, based on your level, but until then this is a manual process. Also, as for adding character abilities, if they do not show up make sure you have increased the character's skills to the appropriate level: for example, if you add a warrior skill to a mage, you may need to increase their Man-At-Arms level in order to make the skill appear.
Joined: Jan 2015
Any chance someone could port this to work with the Mac version?
Joined: Jan 2015
Is There another way to get the editor? Mediafire isn't cooperating.
Joined: Mar 2003
It is working now, at least. If you still have a problem, try a different browser, if available.
Joined: Jan 2015
I'm having an issue with the editor's resolution. It's so tall that the button to load a save game to edit is covered by my taskbar. I could hide the bar, but that seems like a bandaid. I feel like that's something that may end up being an issue for others as well... Just seems odd, doesn't make much sense why it'd be like that to me, I guess...
Joined: Jul 2014
I'm having an issue with the editor's resolution. It's so tall that the button to load a save game to edit is covered by my taskbar. I could hide the bar, but that seems like a bandaid. I feel like that's something that may end up being an issue for others as well... Just seems odd, doesn't make much sense why it'd be like that to me, I guess... The window can be resized by dragging the top or the bottom of the window frame. That being said, it is designed to detect the size of the desktop and resize itself if the default size is too large. If you are using a two-monitor setup with different resolutions it may be the case that it is not resizing because the larger monitor can accommodate it. If this is the case, I suggest resizing the window or moving it to the larger monitor. Otherwise it should already work.
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