Another vote for a darker story and writing with more interesting moral and intellectual dilemnas. A sort of post apocalyptic fantasy world would be fascinating. Like, society has been magically decimated, and you're just a pair of survivors among brigandes, starving folk, monsters, and crazy people. And I'd like the story that isn't "save the world," but maybe just save yourselves or a few people and try and find a way to survive in this new world. Certainly non-epic stories are harder to pull off because there's so much less at stake, but when they work, they're quite satisfying.

Also, more chances to be evil without necessarily just killing everyone. Real, existential evil would be interesting. E.g., you grant immortality to someone who wants to die.

A "save the world: from yourself" kind of story would good too, like NWN2's "Mask of the Betrayer" where you become a soul-eater and have to sate your hunger for spirits otherwise you will start devouring everyone and die yourself.

Larian should also really analyze Shadowrun: Dragonfall Director's Cut to see good story, atmosphere, and writing. They're really did an excellent job of sci-fi fantasy, still a largely untapped genre for cRPGs.