That was a great post, Swen. You asked for feedback, so here are my two coppers....
Don't focus on size, focus on quality. It doesn't have to be the most massive CRPG in history, it needs to be the best - and the two are usually mutually exclusive unless you've got 100 mil lying around and 5 years to develop it.
You're going to use the existing assets which is smart, so instead, Larian should be focusing on creating a very user friendly editor and turn DOS into the next spiritual successor of NWN. Let the community create the content and/or DM games. You can then focus on creating professional asset and content packs - along with the occasional adventure - to sell as DLC and have a continued revenue stream for years without being tied in to developing huge adventures with all the requisite costs of new assets and QA that go with it.
If you can up the multiplayer aspect of the game to at least 4 players - but more realitically, several dozen players at once for persistent worlds - then this thing will be around for a long time to come.
And look at using other themes beyond high fantasy. Sci-fi, western, dystopian, etc. Heck, how about taking a stab at a superhero CRPG?
If I were running Larian, that's where I'd be steering the company to go. Anyway, thanks for reading. Cheers and happy holidays to everyone!