My problem was that I checked out the trapped hill and got close enough to the top to teleport the chest down below most of the traps, so I didn't get close enough to see the mound of dirt the scroll was buried in. Basically I got punished for being clever and getting the chest without putting myself in danger. I proceeded to wander around for a while and then checked a strategy guide which mentioned the hill, so I went to the top the second time and found the scroll.

One big issue I think is that there is no visual clue that there's a whole new zone inside this cabin. Maybe there was some hint that there was a portal in the house, but I don't really recall. I suppose I went to Hiberheim for the well quest, but I didn't really piece together if or when I would be going there again. And since I had just discovered a brand new, huge zone, Luculla Forest, I wasn't really expecting to suddenly enter another big zone right away. Based on their last Kickstarter update, I'm sure Larian is working on clarifying this and other confusing parts of the story.