In Original Sin, most things which appear overhead are voiced. Nothing inside dialogue boxes is unvoiced. If you stand in town, this results in hearing a LOT of repetitive NPC banter about nothing in particular. "Halibut, Sheep's Cheese, Tomatoes..." That slowly drives players up the wall.

Meanwhile, big important, supposedly emotional and powerful scenes have nothing because the conversations take place entirely in dialogue boxes.

I think that this is the worst of both worlds when it comes to the voice versus text issue.

In the next game, if it has voice acting, I'd rather leave all overhead banter as text only, but have main quest dialogue as voiced even in dialogue. If there's any budget left over after the main quest (which seems unlikely, but what the hell), it should go to party members/companions.

Originally Posted by travathian
A better UI

D:OS was a lot of fun, but too often I felt like I was fighting with the UI to do things, and many tasks were tedious or overly time consuming. Inventory management was a pain. Crafting was a pain. Transferring items between characters was a pain. I want to spend my time exploring the world, reading the lore, interacting with characters not fighting the UI.

I liked that keys had their own tab. I'd like to see a crafting system similar to guild Wars 2, where crafting items each have their own little slot on a crafting tab. I realize I can 'sort' items, but having to sort alllll the time, gets to be a pain. Allow me to 'click and drag' to highlight a bunch of items to move/transfer/sell. Gem bag, scroll case, arrow case, etc to all combine common items into a tab or window. More item stacking please. Lots more item stacking please.

Agreed to all of this. A "junk" tab where you can place items you intend to sell, and reserved slots in the inventory that you can place items and still see them even if you scroll down would also be good.

Last edited by Stabbey; 29/12/14 04:54 PM. Reason: UI