Another thing that I would like is not so much a specific feature, but an improvement in design.

Larian should study up on the subtle techniques that other developers use to lead the player to where they want to go, because Larian is very poor at making the intended progression intuitive for the player.

Look at Cyseal - how many people reach the harbor, walk through to the other beach and get murdered. Look how many people have difficulty finding the proper way to leave Cyseal without getting murdered (and it does not help that both the dangerous harbor exit and the safeish intended exit are both on the west side.

Look at Luculla, where the major obvious signals point the player towards Silverglen, and there, you encounter Arhu, who gives you further direction... but Larian actually intends you to go in the other direction to Hiberheim.

I remember some of Valve's developer commentary on Half-Life Episode 2 talks about ways they use to manipulate the player to move in the way they want them to move without the player even being aware of it.

There's also a somewhat confusing level in Serious Sam: BFE where the player has to traverse an urban area that is crowded. One subtle signal is that all over are street signs with arrows pointing in the right way. Most players probably don't even notice, but its there anyway.

Of course no one wants to see quest markers and big neon arrows, but the point is that there are subtle techniques to encourage a player to go somewhere.

For instance, in Silverglen, Arhu should NOT encourage you to join the immaculates, first he should encourage you to check on the White Witch, since she killed the evil Sourcerer Jake, she might know some of what is going on. Only after you have freed the White Witch should Arhu (if you never triggered him in Silverglen until then) encourage you to join the Immaculates.