Joined: Jan 2015
Do you happen to have a tutorial uploaded for your save editor? I've done save editing before, I just usually don't do it on PC games.
Oh and is the link one the OP the updated Editor?
Thanks for your hard work feller!
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't know if there is a tutorial. The link in the OP always points to the latest version (it is pointing at a shared folder, rather than a specific file).
Joined: Jan 2015
Hi, is it possible to use this tool to resurrect a dead NPC? If not I need to just set the quest as done and give myself the exp, thanks.
Last edited by Infares; 19/01/15 03:40 AM.
Joined: Jan 2015
Is there perhaps another way to download the Mooseedit? I cant seem to get past 16-17% from mediafire
Joined: Mar 2003
Here is a mirror link for the current MooseEdit alpha29.
Joined: Jan 2015
Thanks!, finally got it downloaded 
Joined: Jan 2015
Hello for me mooseeditor dont work. I have lastest version of Divinity in steam. When i open save game from mooseeditor i have bug 33% "failed extract player.lsb" "failed extract itemcolor.txt" and "unable to locate main.pak chek game data path" and last mooseeditor crash ;/
whats happend?
sorry for bad english
Joined: Mar 2003
When you open MooseEdit, there are 2 paths that must be specified, one to your PlayerProfiles folder (in your My Documents folder), and the other to the game's Data folder (..\SteamApps\common\Divinity - Original Sin\Data). On the right side of the window, near the top, click on the lower folder button and make sure the path is correct.
Have you tried the beta patch on Steam? I don't recall if that caused any problems. The QA version of the game did make changes that cause MooseEdit to crash, so I've changed the 'Game Data Folder' to point to the GOG install of the game. If you have the beta patch and the folder is set correctly, the crash is likely due to the beta.
Joined: Jul 2014
When you open MooseEdit, there are 2 paths that must be specified, one to your PlayerProfiles folder (in your My Documents folder), and the other to the game's Data folder (..\SteamApps\common\Divinity - Original Sin\Data). On the right side of the window, near the top, click on the lower folder button and make sure the path is correct.
Have you tried the beta patch on Steam? I don't recall if that caused any problems. The QA version of the game did make changes that cause MooseEdit to crash, so I've changed the 'Game Data Folder' to point to the GOG install of the game. If you have the beta patch and the folder is set correctly, the crash is likely due to the beta.
How does someone acquire the beta patch? Is this an opt-in setting?
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, it is an opt-in beta on Steam.
Joined: Jan 2015
I noticed you answered everyone's question but mine.
Joined: Jul 2014
You should be able to resurrect an NPC but I haven't tried to do this myself. It might take some experimentation on your part to figure it out though. Here's what you could do: Use the game's editor (i.e., not MooseEdit) and find the NPC you want to resurrect. There should be some sort of long identifier next to their name (e.g., "41ada10b-7a98-4c63-a335-774f98460dea"). You will need to use this identifier later. Open MooseEdit and go to the Dev tab. Click "Open File" in this Dev tab and find your save file (e.g., "C:\Users\You\Documents\Larian Studios\profiles\You\SaveGames\AutoSave_1\globals.lsb"). Right click on the word "Characters" and then use "Find". Paste the identifier that you obtained earlier from the editor into the text box. If it finds an entry with this path: "Characters/root/CharacterFactory/Characters/Character", you are at the right spot. This is the character. As to how to resurrect the character, I'm not sure. Maybe try editing the "Vitality" node to be non-zero? Or try setting "IsResurrected" to "true"? I haven't tried it myself. Use the "Save File" button and overwrite the Globals.lsb file you opened. I would suggest making a backup of the file before you do this though.
If you do figure it out, I think it would be helpful to others if you could post here how you did it/if it worked.
Last edited by Dairymoose; 26/01/15 03:14 PM.
Joined: Jan 2015
my game doesnt work after newest patch, even editor doesnt work i cannot enter and edit my saves ;/
Joined: Mar 2003
The save game format changed in 1.0.251, as well as some of the game files, so the editor will need to be updated to support the latest version.
Joined: Jan 2015
Hello Peeps.
I want to replay the same fight over and over again but with different material (mostly robes and staves). The savegame editor seems not to let me equip higher level materials unless I first unlocked them. For example if I have a level 3 staff, the savegame editor won't display a selection of higher level staves. How do I circumvent this? I'm kinda new at this game concept and want to experiment the heck out of the materials I can obtain.
Take Care!
Joined: Jan 2015
Thanks Raze. MooseEdit is terrific. Patch to D:OS was good. Adapting MooseEdit to the new save file formats will be much appreciated.
Joined: Jan 2015
hello mooseE dont wor to me now. When i start it today i had blank card without saves to choice, whats happend ? Yesterday all was fine and work good! mossedit screen
Last edited by bartek; 31/01/15 02:54 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
The Steam update yesterday happened. Assuming Dairymoose intends to update the editor, it will take some time to add support for the new save format and game data structure.
Last edited by Raze; 31/01/15 06:22 PM.
Joined: Jan 2015
hey Raze, is the update to the save game editor really being done or is that speculation on your part?
sorry if the way its phrased strongly and rude, im just mainly very frustrated at larian for making that update, making tenebrium points useless, so now im stuck with a weak team and need an editor to redistribute my points to their respective weapons before i finish my game, and im very close to ending it too.
PS: dairymoose you are awesome for having made this, you dont owe us anything for the update, so i dont really wanna sound like a twat that is demanding an update, if i did, im sorry, as said above, im angry at larian for making a stupid update making my used points worthless
Joined: Mar 2003
That was an assumption on my part; it didn't come off quite as neutral as I intended.
Moderated by Bvs, ForkTong, gbnf, Issh, Kurnster, Larian_QA, LarSeb, Lar_q, Lynn, Monodon, Raze, Stephen_Larian