Joined: Feb 2015
Dairymoose, respond please, you realize my idea or not?
Joined: Feb 2015
How did you get it to work exactly? I did exactly what you did, and then renamed the .LSV file of my save, and it still gives me the "tampered with" message...
I'm using the latest mooseedit (v33)
EDIT: Okay, I finally got it to work. Adding a mod to an existing save game without getting the "savegame tampered with" prompt:
(For steam) 1. Right click divinity in steam. 2. Click properties 3. Click Updates Tab 4. Uncheck Enable steam synchronization
5. Enter game 6. Enable mod you want to add to your save 7. Create a new game. 8. Save the game on a new file. Name it "mods" 9. Load you main save you want to mod. 10. Save it on a new file called "MainModded" 11. Exit Divinity
12. Open MooseEdit 13. Load "mods" 14. Click on Extract all from LSV 15. Load "MainModded" 16. Click in Extract all from LSV
17. Right click on path and select "open file location" for both saves. 18. Drag the "meta.lsb" file from the "mods" save to your "MainModded" save. 19. Delete the MainModded.lsv file. 18. Enter divinity and load MainModded. 19. If it works, save the game on a new file as whatever name you want. 20. You can now enable steam cloud saves again if you want. Everything will still work without an error prompt.
Last edited by Mephil; 21/02/15 10:40 PM.
Joined: Feb 2015
I often feel bad about my first post on a forum being a support request, but I know that solving this would help a lot of other players, so please, excuse me.
After playing for tens of hours in a 3-player campaign, one of our characters, Madora, suddenly stopped being able to talk to anyone other than the heroes. This is kind of a problem, because Madora is controlled by our third player, and so they need to be able to speak to vendors to get equipment and such.
The first time this happened, simply loading the most recent quicksave fixed it, but the most recent occurrence has left us with our most recent unbroken save being over 5 hours prior. Hence, it came to me attempting to modify the save to fix this problem.
Looking at the Dev tab in MooseEdit, I believe I know what the problem is. It appears that the game believes Madora is currently in a dialogue with someone, already, and therefore is disallowing her to communicate with any other unimportant character. Why this still permits her to speak to the heroes is uncertain.
I'm drawing this conclusion from her being the only character with a Task in the DialogController section of her character information. Unfortunately, simply removing the names or values of the contents of DialogController from within MooseEdit does not fix the issue. The game simply repopulates the information with what appears to be default values.
The only other difference I can assume would be causing the issue is whatever "CurrentAoO" means, as it is set to 1, whereas all other characters have it set to 0. As it appears no one's been able to figure out what many of the labels in the Globals.lsb file actually mean, I'm a bit stuck, at the moment, swapping random boolean values, hoping that the game eventually works, again.
I'm almost certain that actually removing the Task from DialogController will fix the issue, but opening Globals.lsb in a hex editor reveals how convoluted the file actually is. Bravo to you, Dairymoose, for making that thing legible, because my rudimentary understanding of file encoding leaves me flabbergasted as to how anyone could figure out how random strings, separated by dots and garbled text, end up actually fitting together.
I attempted using lstools to handle it, but to no avail. I'm not sure if it's because the save file is in a newer format, but it was having its own problems.
Any help is greatly appreciated, and I hope this will help anyone else who's had this issue, as I've read that this has affected others, at various points during the game's development.
Joined: Jul 2014
alpha34: Added "Treasure Maps" category to item browser Added "Add Node" function to Dev tab Added "Delete Node" function to Dev tab Modified weight display to show fractional weights in item tooltips https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xggb2364417f4/MooseEdit--- As an aside, it appears that the treasure maps were originally intended to extend the "_TreasureMap" entry of Objects.txt but perhaps mistakenly, they do not. As a result all the treasure maps are missing an Act, Weight, and ModifierType attribute. This may or may not be a bug.
new entry "_TreasureMap"
type "Object"
data "ModifierType" "Item"
data "Act" "1"
data "Weight" "1"
Last edited by Dairymoose; 28/02/15 08:13 PM.
Joined: Mar 2015
Amazing work, Dairymoose. The forum appears mostly dead, so I just thought I'd come in and give you props once I joined. I have no idea what I'd do without this. Your work is truly, truly appreciated.
Also, any chance of a way to export/import entire characters? A way to simply "copy" and "paste" items would also be greatly appreciated.
Joined: Jul 2014
Amazing work, Dairymoose. The forum appears mostly dead, so I just thought I'd come in and give you props once I joined. I have no idea what I'd do without this. Your work is truly, truly appreciated.
Also, any chance of a way to export/import entire characters? A way to simply "copy" and "paste" items would also be greatly appreciated. I've been considering a character export functionality but I'm not sure such a feature would be widely used and therefore might not be worth the time to implement. Also, you can already copy items. Use the Export and Import functionality that appears in the "Edit Item" or "Add Item" dialog box.
Joined: Mar 2015
Well I can't speak for whether it'll be widely used or not, I can just say that I'd use it myself, albeit sparingly, it'd be very nice if the functionality was there when I do.
The only other major use I can think of for it would be as an easy way to dupe a lot of items across plays. I also wouldn't be surprised if there's a lot of people interested in wildly overpowered "New Game+", exporting their late-game character and importing it at the start of a new game or something. Some people are suckers for that.
As for Copy/Paste of Items, I do know of the Export/Import functionality, and I've used it quite a bit when tinkering around, but it's slow and clunky. What I was thinking of was a simple Right Click->Copy, Right Click->Paste, allowing you to duplicate items on the fly, or between sessions (such as opening up one save in one window, copying an item, tabbing over to another window with another save, paste item).
Joined: Mar 2015
The more I tinker with the game, the more I realize how much I'd love to have an Import/Export function for characters, so I could pre-generate characters for saves, especially for testing purposes.
Joined: Mar 2015
So, does this save editor allow the character appearance mirror to be spawned in? I was looking for it, and I literally can't seem to find it. I guess it's not able to be spawned in?
Joined: Mar 2003
The save editor has an Appearance button for the characters which (except for companions) brings up a window allowing you to make changes like the mirror. In-game, the mirror is in the Inner Chamber (living quarters) in the homestead (x:354 y:67), which is the portal opened after the hall of heroes.
Joined: Dec 2013
Dairymoose i have neither downloaded nor tried your editor, not a need for me, but my thanks regardless for all your work. Keep it up  That said, for the interests of posterity, could you really not see yourself uploading it to Nexus or even mmodb if you have some sort of issue with Nexus in particular? Mediafire links are what happens when the future interested party attempts, and fails, to get a hold of your work. The links/accounts go down, the sites themselves sometimes go down Would be a long list if i started to type down just how many mods for games 10 and 15 and 20 years old i am currently incapable of tracking down 
Pride, honour and purity
Joined: Jul 2014
Anyone able to give me another download link for his latest update on this?
For some reason my browser wont download it from his files.
Would appreciate it alot!
Joined: Mar 2003
Did you try a different browser? Temporary mirror link for alpha 34 (20MB).
Joined: Jul 2014
Unfortunately I didnt think about trying a different browser, but just got it now from the dropbox link you gave me, thanks alot mate.
Joined: Mar 2015
I'm messing around with npc character appearances and having my mains adopt the appearance of these. using the editor brings up a hero appearance so it doesn't help me, while the mirror will let you alter the npc appearance.
Joined: Mar 2015
So I've gone through almost every page here and I've found nothing with regards to this error; when I load up a game post using MooseEdit(the most recent version) I'm getting an in-game error that says, "The save file has been tampered with or corrupted. It's advised that you not use this save file." Or something similar to that.
My game play hasn't been impacted at all and I merely changed a stat on Bairdotr (because I chain missclicked). Just wondering if that's normal/ do I need to go way back to before the edits.
Thanks in advance and amazing work. It's nice that I can use this for minor blunders without having to spend a fortune re setting my characters.
Joined: Mar 2003
Since alpha 32 I think that 'tampered with' warning shouldn't be triggered. If you use MooseEdit to extract the contents of the save's lsv file, and then rename or move that file (leaving just the individual lsb/bin files and LevelCache folder), that should avoid the error.
Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames' folder. Probably the easiest way to get there in Windows Explorer is under Libraries in the left column, to click on Documents, and drill down from there.
Joined: Mar 2015
Since alpha 32 I think that 'tampered with' warning shouldn't be triggered. If you use MooseEdit to extract the contents of the save's lsv file, and then rename or move that file (leaving just the individual lsb/bin files and LevelCache folder), that should avoid the error.
Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames' folder. Probably the easiest way to get there in Windows Explorer is under Libraries in the left column, to click on Documents, and drill down from there.
I'll give that a shot. Thanks for the quick response and help! I'm going to assume this means the error is just the games way of letting me know it detects a change; but it's nothing game breaking, regardless?
Joined: Jul 2014
Since alpha 32 I think that 'tampered with' warning shouldn't be triggered. If you use MooseEdit to extract the contents of the save's lsv file, and then rename or move that file (leaving just the individual lsb/bin files and LevelCache folder), that should avoid the error.
Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames' folder. Probably the easiest way to get there in Windows Explorer is under Libraries in the left column, to click on Documents, and drill down from there.
I'll give that a shot. Thanks for the quick response and help! I'm going to assume this means the error is just the games way of letting me know it detects a change; but it's nothing game breaking, regardless? Can you upload a copy of your save file that is causing this issue (the unmodified save, that is)?
Joined: Mar 2015
This editor saved me from dying 1000 times because I suck at sneaking. Thank you!
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