I was wondering if I should start a thread, but appart from some derailing, i think this is the same topic.
I don't know if there are some limitations to this, but I'm level 10 now, and i must say, with all the objects i found, i'm pretty depressed by the lack of diversity of the objects.
I know talents are not supposed to be "found" on an item, i get that, but there is as of today in the game 8 skills group, 6 attributes and 20 abilities. In all the items i found, i rarely found items that actually give attributes point (or if so, always the same points on the same piece of equipement), and found items only giving points in about 1/3 of the total abilities (and again, a lot of times, i would get the same rings that pumps up the same ability, i didn't found anything for crafting for example (i'm guessing it does not exist), and like 2 or 3 items for weapons abilities on the hundreds and hundreds of items i found, never to be found on a weapon for example or on headgear, never found a piece of equipement with SPD and INT for example, except maybe legendary and even so...
Why is that so?
Am i the only one founding that the items are way too similar and not fun?