Joined: Dec 2013
Dairymoose feel free to ignore me entirely a second time, got all the time to waste:
Could you really not make an effort amounting to what? One minute time? And upload this to Nexus, MMODB, or whatever repository you deem personally preferable? Already, less than a couple of weeks since i hinted at the issues of megaupload and its ilk, we have a Larian support member posting temporary links. Because yours were down.
What do you think will happen six months from now?
Pride, honour and purity
Joined: Feb 2015
I would love to download and try the editor and I have tried twice, I get a bunch of adware and Malware and no editor....this was a few weeks ago on Mediafire? I think.
Not a related issue, and not complaining, just mentioning it, I would love for someone to put it somewhere hassle free or email me a copy. Heck I would pay for it $20 bucks isnt a lot but it is a thank you for the time and effort that went into it and the appreciation.
Thanks, I am sure its a great editor, and could make the earlier part of the game less of a pain to play through.
Joined: Dec 2013
Felix did you try Raze's link? Just a couple of posts above?
Pride, honour and purity
Joined: Feb 2015
No? I am at work so cant do it here now anyway. I will look for it, and email the link to home, but my internet is so bad ( I live in the mountains) that downloading anything takes forever, may fail since outages and service are erratic and I have a max limit on what I can download, generally if it tells me that its gonna take more than 10 minutes to download I have to monitor it continously since the interruption in service has/can cause the download to completely fail, so I cant even go watch a movie or leavethe house go to town or anything usually.
Joined: Jul 2014
Dairymoose feel free to ignore me entirely a second time, got all the time to waste:
Could you really not make an effort amounting to what? One minute time? And upload this to Nexus, MMODB, or whatever repository you deem personally preferable? Already, less than a couple of weeks since i hinted at the issues of megaupload and its ilk, we have a Larian support member posting temporary links. Because yours were down.
What do you think will happen six months from now? I have no objections if someone were to upload the program there themselves. That being said I made this program and shared it freely asking nothing in return. I should not be obligated to do anything regarding this software since I am devoting my own time and research into this project and not expecting payment or soliciting donations. Additionally, I have hosted all of my software, for this game and other software I have written in the past, on mediafire. If you are worried that the link will be broken in 10 years let me assuage that concern by saying it won't even matter considering Larian will probably change the save format again sometime within 10 years and it will break the program. So a broken link will be the least of the concerns if I happen to stop updating the program.
Joined: Mar 2003
In fact, the next large update will change at least the layout of the data, if not the file format itself, since there will be additional skills, changes to existing skills/abilities/talents, changes to opponent composition and location in the harder difficulty mode, etc.
Joined: Dec 2013
Thanks for replying Moose! And it goes without saying that you're not obligated to do anything. Or that i'm thankful. Assuming you are still around to keep it updated and that you have not changed your mind, i would be more than happy to upload it to Nexus for you come the next D:OS patch. Unless of course another willing soul takes the initiative in the meantime. In the off chance you are wondering or pre-supposing, my reasons are quite simple; - longevity, which i've mentioned - spotlight. The more mods (and the more recent the better) people upload in high visibility sites, the more D:OS gains spotlight. Which is beneficial in multiple ways in itself 
Pride, honour and purity
Joined: Feb 2015
Okay , i downloaded the savegame editor modified some things and now the game wont launch. It says divinity original sin has stopped working.
What did i do and how can i fix it?
Anyone please help. Thanks
This sucks, inshould not have tampered with anything. Not even sure how it broke.
I uninstalled d:os and now am reinstalling its gonna take hours if it even reinstalls. Sometimes living in an inaccessiblenplace is not so great.
Last edited by Felixg91; 03/04/15 12:26 AM.
Joined: Feb 2015
Has this happened to anyone else? I dont think its the editor i think i caused it.
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't recall anyone else reporting something like this. Maybe a corrupt save or profile config file?
If reinstalling doesn't help, try moving the save out of the savegames folder.
Try browsing to the '..\Documents\Larian Studios' folder and renaming the 'Divinity Original Sin' subfolder. This folder contains the saved games, configuration files and a level cache folder. Deleting or renaming it will get the game to recreate it on startup; playing the game from a different Windows user account would effectively do the same thing. After that, see if you can start D:OS; if so, exit and then copy/move some or all of your (non-edited) saves from the renamed folder into the newly created profile's savegames folder. If the game still crashes, delete the new My Documents D:OS folder and rename the original back again.
Once you get it working, you can make a backup of the install folder, so if you ever need to re-install Windows, etc, you can restore the game without having to re-download.
Joined: Feb 2015
Geeze I just hope it will work again, i been playing icewind dale while this is downloading, and i miss D:OS already. What a a horrible day.
Joined: Feb 2015
Seven hours downloading finally done. Reiinstalled doesnt work same result app crash. Okay this sucks, raze I am open to suggestions. It would be great if i could play again.
I will try what. You listed in your last post tomorrow.
Last edited by Felixg91; 03/04/15 06:45 AM.
Joined: Feb 2015
Renaming subfolder in docs seems to work thanks raze. I really appreciatr the help, much gratitude.
Now if i can figure out how to use the editor and avoid a repeat that would be great.
Joined: Mar 2003
Glad you got it working.
I'd just try the editor again, since it was likely just a glitch the first time, and even if it causes a problem again, there is a relatively easy fix.
Joined: Apr 2015
I just bought the game a couple of days ago and have not had much time to dig in yet. I'm interested in changing the appearance of henchmen with minimal disruption to game mechanics. The savegame editor seems to be the best solution for me. (Thanks Dairymoose!) It works flawlessly for me, but I am dismayed by paltry choice of henchman heads relative to the more extensive options for players' characters/Source Hunters (the ones you roll two of @ start). Is there a way to make 'regular' heads available to the savegame editor, please? While I have no experience modding DOS, I have modded other games fairly extensively. So if someone can point me in the right direction, I can run with it. Thanks for reading.
musings ... (1) extract heads from pak (not sure I understand filename conventions) (2) substitute chosen 'regular' head(s), 1 or 2, into henchman slots... I guess this might affect non-henchman NPC's if they use henchman heads. This is probably an acceptable side effect. (3) potential pitfall: maybe henchman bodies aren't set up to match tints with regular heads?
perusing paks in editor ... PL_F_Head_x_yM.dds, x=A,B,...,O y=D or S : PL -> player?, head textures, fem CP_F_Head_x.gr2, x=A,B,...,F : CP -> companion/henchman?, head mesh, fem NPC_F_N_Casual_Head_x.gr2, x=A,B,...,N : NPC -> maybe henchman dds point to these mesh?
EDIT: I managed to extract desired textures from the pak's using the editor. I supplemented editor talent and skill modifications with photoshop eye color changes (henchman head 6 and player heads 3&4) to make an acceptable non-cheaty party. Weird how all the vanilla henchmen/player head skins have green eyes. Not anymore! Thanks very much, Dairymoose, for enabling me to play the game the way I want.
Last edited by ZzrowGraff; 03/04/15 11:47 PM.
Joined: Feb 2015
Well i edited my characters that works excellantly. Now i gotta figure out items which seem more complex.
Either way i needed to acknowledge a debt of gratitude gratefulness and esteem for Dairymoose and Raze.
Thank you both making a huge difference in anactivity i enjoy immensely, thank you.
Okay I have figured out basic item's.
This is a good editor, works very well and is easy to use after a bit of successful experimentation.
Thanks again Dairymoose for making it, now I just hope it keeps working when they update the game.
Last edited by Felixg91; 05/04/15 05:18 PM.
Joined: May 2007
How can I make this work with Bairdotr? I don't see her as a selection to edit in my save file, but she is in my party. The other 3 members show up. Does the editor not work on the new characters?
Last edited by allthumbs; 17/04/15 10:51 PM.
Joined: Mar 2003
There should be a character tab there for her, just without a name.
Joined: May 2007
Woot!!! Thanks Raze - you are right again!
Joined: Aug 2014
Hey people!!
When I loaded my savegame a message appear "Warning! The savegame has detected tampering or corruption." I downloaded MooseEdit and run it, but i don't know what i will do.
Anyone can help me?
Thanks SPisco
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