Items around level 1-13 give +1 ability bonus. Above level 14 they grant +2 bonus and +3 at level 20+. This is not the problem. The problem is there's no control over what boni an item actually gives (except the limitations e.g. Blacksmithing only appears on bracers and belts). And very often the random loot generator would actually create fairly nonsensical items. A level 10 legendary two-handed sword could have +1 one-handed, +1 shield specialist, +1 dexterity, +1 perception. An example of an expensive legendary item. However, you'd be much happier about a GREEN one granting +1 strength and +1 two-handed.
95% of the time all you get from the game are stupid items you'd sell immediately. Which puts an extra strain on you who bought the game for fun. You keep wasting time on checking out the item, determining it's of no use to you, and taking it to a merchant. In my first playthrough I did not invest in bartering at all and still ended up with over a million gold at the end, not having anything to spend it on.