Aside from stilettos and daggers, I can't think of a more rogue- or thief-ish weapon to attack people from behind with than the Blackjack.

I recently started to play D:OS, and this really stood out to me from the start. It is not common to have blackjacks available as weapons in games at all, and when they are, they're almost always rogue- or thief-oriented.

I can't help but to notice that from the get-go, rogues are, if not underpowered, then at least at serious disadvantage starting out, since all of "their" weapons are piercing, while most opponents (at least in the beginning) are undead.

The fact that so many (zombies, zombie dogs, etc) spray ooze at you when you stab them doesn't help, but that's really beside the point.

Blackjacks really should be usable for backstabbing.