Originally Posted by Felixg91
Rather than knock down Blackjack should maybe have a chance to stun for say 1 round, without being given huge damage bonuses for backstabbing....a blackjack, sap or cosh is more of a subdual semi-lethal weapon, I am actually surprised at the weapons inclusion, and dissapointed at the omission of several much more prominent weapons...no flails for instance? No Slings, and no throwing weapons at all? And spears are 2handed weapons- no shield which yes polearms are not used with shields but spears are almost always used with a shield. Minor but could have been better.

Name change suggestion...Back-Attack.

I was surprised that Rapiers can be used in that manner, I dont hate it but I dont use it either...I like my rogues to be Archers, seems a far better use.

While I'm not so surprised at the weapons inclusion because other much more prominent weapons were left out - which is very true - I'm just surprised, period.

Because blackjacks are really not battlefield weapons, much like you wouldn't expect stilettos or small daggers to be. They're practically just implements used by rogues and thieves (thugs, if you will). Which makes it doubly odd to me that they were included... but obviously aren't intended to be rogue's weapons, despite being so iconic for being just that and virtually nothing else.

Same as knockdown, though, with stun, while I think it's thematic for sure, I just.. Crowd Control is king in D:OS. Knocking someone down or stunning them for a round is easily more powerful than causing extra damage. I'm not saying that it's a bad idea, just that it could be really hard to balance.

I would really love to see some spears, and definitely slings.. as a general note on weapons, D:OS doesn't really have that much different weapons aside from the stats. Even Crossbows and Bows aren't really that different when push comes to shove, and it would've been fun if they'd done some more things with it.

Spears with added reach, especially for Attacks Of Opportunity, slings with very low AP cost, Crossbows could've had separate reload cost (so you could fire it and discard it), etc.

As for rapiers.. yeah, those things ARE practically rapiers by any other name, right? It almost feels like they didn't call them rapiers just so they could squeeze it in under the same category so they'd work with blackjacks.

Makes me wonder if it would be possible to reclassify all blackjacks to be daggers or knives, too, because it makes about as much sense. Because Talents (big surprise) can't be modded.