I'm sorry it seems that my browser didn't show me new replies cause I checked every day for new messages

I've tried convert directly to .dae but the problem is still there. Adding some screenshots and model files.
This is my convertor settings (all is default)
http://prntscr.com/7wsge2Imported file_name=PL_F_Head_A.GR2
File_name=PL_F_Head_A.dae is successfully exported
I'm getting those warnings in Maya BTW
http://prntscr.com/7wshyo but I think they aren't critical (please correct me if I wrong).
Than I export all to .dae using maya's dae_fbx_export, all setting by default (maybe somewhere in default options my problem are hided)
And exported all to .fbx as did it before using maya's fbx_export
Here are all default settings:
I didn't make any changes in mesh, just export.
In lstools there are only 1 menu item for converting .fbx to .gr2 but it seems to work with .dae thought.
http://prntscr.com/7wsmsjExported files:
From .dae = PL_F_Head_A_DAE.GR2
From .fbx = PL_F_Head_A_FBX.GR2
Then I just renamed one file to PL_F_Head_A.GR2, saw faceless women

and than other. Every time I went back to main menu and started new single game with character creation for watching changes. After I put back original file face magically appears

All files are here
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vejkda3uryfhwvc/AAD7sENal38C1Bk9_wF_S5vma?dl=0I hope you won't get any problems getting them, If you couldn't download files please contact me and tell where I can upload them for you.
I really hope we would find solution

thanks for answering.