Updated the exporter to fix a Blender skeleton import bug, should be working now.

I notice the new files are bigger, so maybe that's an indication of a problem.

That's because Blender doesn't deduplicate the UVs before exporting, so the same UV set appears multiple times with different indices and it increases the number of possible (Position, UV) combinations that should be exported to the GR2 file.
I'll add a separate position/UV filter step that should take care of this.

The higher vertex count may degrade performance somewhat but should not affect the mesh in any other way.

in some cases where I only had the mesh or the armature, but not both I think, the conversion made the new GR2. Then loading that in DOS cause a crash to desktop.

While a geometry without a skeleton, or a skeleton without a geometry is still valid GR2, it may not be valid for D:OS.
I've checked, and it seems that most D:OS meshes use a dummy skeleton with a single joint when no real skeleton is available.

Last edited by Norbyte; 07/04/15 05:27 PM.