Originally Posted by ninnyjams
[...] (for the life of me I'll never be able to understand people who actively want it gone) [...]

Really? No-one has taken the time to explain the fundamentals of the issue for you?

It's essentially comes down to the fact that in order to accomodate a controller, you have to dumb down the controls of a game to work with the limited input of controllers, thus cheapening gameplay and options.

It's not rocket science. Limiting a PC game because of controllers is no different than limiting any other part of a game because of consoles.

Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Luckmann
Haha, what? So not only is it being turned into a multi-platform title (the bane of all good gameplay on PC:s since forever) but it requires a DirectX 11 card?

**** off five ways 'til Sunday. That's all I really can say to that. Been waiting for this update since forever, and all it does is screw us over? ****. You.

A PC game being ported FROM PC TO CONSOLES does not, repeat NOT magically convert the PC version to garbage. You are not going to catch reverse-port-cooties.

Yes it does. We've yet to see a single game that hasn't suffered when subjected to multiplatformization.

But it's not magical, though. It's due to inherent limitations of the format in question, and the resulting compromises.

Last edited by Luckmann; 16/05/15 12:18 AM.