Originally Posted by Luckmann

I can understand you would be upset that you won't be able to play the new game, but it seems you're just really salty at this point.

Multiple people have given you counter arguments to each of your complaints but you're quick to dismiss them and just repeat what you've already said.

One of you major points seems to be that the fact the game is now being ported from PC to console suddenly means features will be stripped and the game will be a bloody mess. This is simply not known for certain. Is it possible? It most certainly is, and examples have already been cited. Is it 100% always the case? Most certainly not! I would like to cite Starcraft 64 and Diablo (for playstation).

While the original Diablo wasn't exactly feature rich, Starcraft was a fully realized RTS. In either case though, neither PC game suffered from it's console port. In fact, Starcraft's PC version even got an expansion that the console did not. And if these 2 examples aren't enough to convince you, I am more than happy to cite more (as I know there are more PC-to-console ports that did not suffer as you seem to be suggesting they all do).

Does it suck that you won't (right now at least) be able to play the new D:OS:EE? Of course it does. But just because you won't be able to play it doesn't mean that it will suck, or that Larian hates PC gamers.