Originally Posted by Jito463

A good workaround to this issue, would be to have limited level scaling. What I mean, is that the enemies should start at a certain level by default, but will also scale up to a certain level (within a 2-4 level range),
Well, limited scaling is good, somehow. It could help make map be more flexible. Now its very strict vhere you could go.
On the other side, once you add more enemyes for hard core gamer, you are giving even more xp. So in fact, you are not solving the issue but make it worst.

Variable quest xp reward gives developers another tool for make sure the player will be at certain step of main quest on certain level. no more, no less. That is very helpful for encounter planing a and difficulty. For example some spells are available on certain levels, if you dont have access to those then encounter might be far more diffcult.

Do you see the diference?

Last edited by gGeo; 31/05/15 05:58 PM.