Hey guys, I'm trying to change models too but I'm facing some problems. My steps:
1. I use ExportTool to get *.dae file
2. I open them in Maya 2016. Here is what I see in viewport http://prntscr.com/7rfiyd
3. I export model to *.fbx format (Tried without any changes to be sure the problem was caused not by my modeling manipulations smile )
4. *.fbx file I converted using lstools (tools->export fbx to gr2)
5. And at last I put *.gr2 with appropriate name (PL_F_Head_A.GR2) to D:\Games\SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Divinity - Original Sin\Data\Public\Main\Assets\Characters\Players
And the face in game completely disappears smile http://prntscr.com/7rff92
My friend tried to convert model in 3dsMax for me, the result is almost the same no face and body now stands in T-pose smile
So somewhere between convertations I broke model(
Any ideas? Would be glad for help.