Geez, my Internet goes down for a week and what do I miss?
I've got a suggestion for the Kickstarter this time. Features added in the last kickstarter like the homestead and the Phantom Forest dungeon tended to later get announcements like "Hey, this thing got so big that we made it part of the main plot."
Well, for the next kickstarter: DON'T.
Don't change the main plot midway to force in the Kickstarter goals. That means changing the story, and that tends to mean the story becomes lower quality as you have to re-write things to accommodate the new stuff which you were never planning to add from the start.
The Homestead is a prime example: It is full of tons and tons of neat stuff which was allegedly for the Guardians... and yet the impression that the story and in-game animated cinematics present is that the Guardians were pretty much stationary figures standing eternal, constant, never-ending guard over the Absycratix. As in, they never really needed all that stuff in their Homestead.