I think I can speak for just about every Linux user who backed D:OS two years ago when I say that we are disappointed in how this was handled. We may understand the delays, but this whole things seems to have been handled poorly. With D:OS 2 getting a Kickstarter campaign before we get the last one fullfilled, I'm more than a little put off.

Larian has said that they will be coming out with D:OS EE for Linux very soon. Awesome! Love it, but it still comes after the new Kickstarter. I'm sorry, but that just insulting. Making one set of promises is something I thought Larian was above.

I'm not asking for the game to be rushed. I've said it before, I'll say it again -- getting it done right is better than fast. Apparently Larian thinks that late August is the ideal time for this crowd funding campaign. Okay. I'll take that on faith. However, that's not to say that I'm content with all of this together.

It would be a really great gesture if we could get something more than a few apologetic words and promises. As a Linux gamer, I want to throw money at every decent game coming to Linux. I really want to throw money at D:OS 2. But with nothing to show for the previous time I backed a Larian game, I'm not particularly inclined to do so this time around.

So, please, could we at least get a beta or a nightly, or something?

Last edited by nstgc; 21/08/15 11:26 PM.

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