Originally Posted by Lacrymas

The player home thing logically leads to the question: Why do we need a home? Aren't we on a grand adventure with lots of traveling and interesting locales? What are we using the home for? Going back there for cake once in a while? "Player homes" are even more nonsensical than a stronghold.

The Elder Scrolls games tend to have quite a few different player homes. Roleplaying in the Elder Scrolls games comes pretty naturally to me, I make one character and put them into a fixed role, they only do a couple faction quests (unlike some other players who try to do all factions with one character).

But yet, I've never really been into building a home and making it all fancy, even though there are lots of people who love doing that in those games.

Player homes and strongholds for me, tend to just be a place to dump stuff off that I don't want to be carrying at that moment. If there are shops there I might buy things. But I never bother going overboard and trying to decorate things just so (so that whenever you enter the cell, all your carefully placed things go flying all over and you cry).