Originally Posted by Raith
You sound like a fanboy because you are completely an Avellone fanboy.

Most people who have been paying attention to Avellone's most recent writing have noticed he's become tryhard as fuck.

Not to mention that his writing is edgy for the sake of edginess. Fuckin hell, when I was playing Pillars I just kept hearing Crawling In my Skin over and over again in my head.

Is that directed at me? PoE is, to me, a complete failure in every possible way. Chris Avellone wrote only Durance and Grieving Mother and most of his writing for them has been cut, there is a reason they appear unfinished, it's because they ARE. Why do you think he left Obsidian? I think it's pretty obvious that it's because they didn't use his writing at all. Though that may not be the real reason, I'm just speculating.