Yea autoarrange would be cool, but no blocks please. I like the idea of placing stuff anywhere i like and especiually like the idea of opening a chest with that real special sword lying "below" or "behind" that big piece of meat..just makes opening chests more interesting (even though i've not actually encountered such an obvious case of the special item hidden in that way yet).

Actually i'd probably like to have my own custom tabs more. Currently there is like 4?
For Armor,Weapons,Potions and Misc i think, so now if you could just add
your own tabs up there and name them "keys", "books", "quest items" and so on that will already maybe help alot. This will obviously mean you won't need
a keyring feature, although that'll do too. But i would like more description for the keys. I played a thief who basically picked most locks and in the end had loads and loads of keys and i could never tell which i can dump or not.
So maybe just "key found in iona's dungeon" and "key found in stormfist castle"
kind of labels.