Soule is kind of like Zimmer : very good music, with not a lot of heart. I mean, the man knows what he is doing, but seems afraid or unwilling to go that extra miles, that do that "all out" thing that Kirill did. Apart from a few very memorable theme ( ES comes to mind, with a spectacular take on it for Skyrim ), Soule's compositions are mostly ... ah, how to put this. Travel musics ? It goes very well with the hiking aspect of the ES games, but you wouldn't listen to that otherwise. Sometimes it's kinda heroic, but again "generic" heroic.

Kirill had that spark that Larian never tried ( or seemed to try ) to extinguish : his genre was all over the place ! A DOS ost is a patchwork of musical compositions that doesn't seem to have a clearly established genre, but that was a big part of Larian games atmosphere.

[edit: Ah! while I typed this, LordCrash expressed the same opinion of Kirill's work :p]

I agree too that nothing should prevent a reknown composer from doing musics for video games. In fact, Zimmer did the ost of some Call of Duty. After all, CoD games tend to emulate the 7th art, so it's not really a surprise.
I really wonder who Larian has been in touch with. I trust their taste, though. I'm kinda excited to learn who will take the job =) Or maybe they could stay true to Kirill's legacy and just ask multiple composers to create a few pieces, rather than ask one to compose all.

Last edited by Dr Koin; 01/10/15 03:25 PM.

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