I do not think we will get it but I still have hopes.

- really interesting companions (like in PST or MotB)
I had an idea. Near the beginning of the game you meet somebody. He is strong, good looking and nice. When you let him join your party, he will help you to find other sourcerers and to evade the divine order several times. Then he leads you to a location.
There many soldiers of the divine order await you and he tells you that he is the grand inquisitor who uses this body via some remote mind control. All the sourceres that you found have been purged and now you will be executed because you know too much. When the fight is over, the spirit of the inquisitor has left the body and all that remains is a person with no memory or personality at all.

If you choose to take him along, you can become his teacher:
- You can teach him to be a good person. When you have done this enough, he will complain when you steal something and he will leave the group when you start a genocide.
- You can teach him to be evil. He will get powerful source magic. He will complain if you help others and if you are not careful he might try to backstab you and run off with your money.
- something in between.
- You become the new lord of betrayal. (hallo Kreia wave ). You lie to him, blackmail him or torture him to make him your slave. If you are good (well, i mean really evil devil ) he will jump into a pit of fire when you say so, and he believes he wants it himself. Maybe you can sacrifice him to a demon lord to get power.

I fear I have to wait for torment (the game) until I get something like this.

Last edited by Madscientist; 08/10/15 10:22 AM.

groovy Prof. Dr. Dr. Mad S. Tist groovy

World leading expert of artificial stupidity.
Because there are too many people who work on artificial intelligence already :hihi: