Take Bioware.

And then do the opposit.

Realy i suggest if you want to do romance, dont do it with game mechanics. Do it as a story, a long one, alot of dialogue.
You could make some of that story invovle gamepaly, like sidequests and whatnot. But no romance mechanics.

Whats important is: The Relationships hould NOT be the end of that story.
Having a relationship should not be the "end goal" of a "romance" quest, it should be somewhere in the middle.

EDIT: Why i hate Bioware: because they pander too much and act as if they are an authority on Story when in reality their worldbuilding especialy with their fantasy games ( i cant comment too much on mass effect) is sub par and their romances arent nearly as good as they think they are.

With Inquisition Bioware seemed to think that pandering to outside audiences equates to good writing.

Yeah, wasnt a fan of that game at all.

EDIT 2: I think the idea of romance impacting game mechanics COULD potentially be a good one as long as thats a one way street. So no stupid sex token romance mechanics, but your romance status affecting how an NPC acts in the game, why not.

For example getting realy pissed off when someone attacks you. That could be interresting.

Last edited by Sordak; 11/10/15 08:50 PM.