Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by Azirahael

A real relationship (that lasts more than a couple of weeks) has many small touches to keep it going.

It has demonstrations that you care, and are thinking about them.
Picking flowers, going out to dinner, doing things together, all let your loved one know that you're thinking about them, and that they are important to you.

Sex is just the icing on the cake.

The problem is that none of those make for good gameplay.

At best, it's cutscene material, but D:OS 2's multiplayer focus means that cutscenes can't be used very often.

You don't need any cutscene at all for that. All you need is a good writer and a text field. Yeah, I know that reading is hard for some, but it worked perfectly for old games like BG2 so I don't see why it shouldn't work for DOS2, even with its focus on co-op.

So please, believable, complex, intriguing, interesting relationships (that include romantic elements) that built on text and the full imagination of its writer instead of cutscenes that are severly limited by technical limitations and the budget and that cut the imagination of its creator down to something that reflects none of the attributes mentioned above in the end.

And one word on "romance": I absolutely hate the idea of reducing the complex field of human relationships to "romances" as if they were something on their own, detached from all other elements of human interactions. I think romance should be in the game but only as part of a wide array and composition of natural and complex relationships and interactions. There is no need to attach quests to it like it's (horribly) done in DAI. It's childish, trivial and ultimately results in a bad narrative.

Last edited by LordCrash; 13/10/15 11:42 PM.