This game looks awesome and there's 90% of chances that I buy it but I have some questions first.
-If I play on my console with my profile and a friend on his profile, can we both create and play a character? Or I'll be the only one with a "real" character and my friend's will be a random character that joined my game and will not be saved?
-Do we both need a valid Xbox One Gold membership to play local multiplayer on my console? That might sound stupid but I remember it was needed in Sacred 2 on Xbox 360.
-Can we create characters, start and play a new game for a while on my console and then continue playing together with these characters on our own consoles via Xbox Live later?
-Finally, can I continue the game in solo mode with a character that I created on a multiplayer game?
I know there's a lot of questions and my english if far from perfect so excuse me if my questions are hardly understandable, I hope someone finds the time to answer me, thanks a lot in advance, have a nice day! ;)