Originally Posted by Matiuss Neban
And how to fix that Thiev ?

I have the same problem also. Before, Divinity Worked just fine on my computer. But This "Enhanced Edition" dont seems to follow her older sister version of the game.

The first step is to find out the cause and there can be several:

1) the card might not fully support DX11 - remember, that this line of DXDIAG: 'DirectX Version: DirectX 11' only tells you that DX11 is present in OS, not that your card supports it; make sure that your GPU is fully compatible with DX11 (it should be in tech specs / manual)

2) the card is OK but the Windows causes problems - there is a hotfix that might help (here: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/975243) but no guarantees

3) card and OS is OK but the graphic drivers report DDI falsely - that unfortunately can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and your best bet is to Google Search similar problems (googling 'DX11 DDI problem' returns significant amount of hits)