I made an account here just to put in some information and to also say thanks for the workaround. The modification works just as you said. We had three people in a game- One inhabiting Bairdotr- and all was well for the most part. We couldn't manually save or quick save, but autosaves were still functioning correctly so it isn't a completely lost cause as long as the host sets them up in a safe manner.

We played extensively last night doing everything from getting to Cyseal, stealing everything that wasn't nailed down, one of us going to jail, and even some fights after screwing around for long enough and there was little to no crashes. All in all it's working amazingly especially for being such a convoluted work around. Aside from only being able to auto save, I think the only other issue was that loading times took upwards of ten minutes when changing maps despite the host having a great PC. Of course that isn't a complaint, just what we experienced.

We're just happy to be able to have three people in a game, so thanks to everyone who contributed to making this happen! :D