Originally Posted by Aim_Ed
I have no idea how to do the extractor part.(which is the first step)

I put the copy of Main.pak in a folder and when I try to extract it using the tool it says https://i.imgur.com/pXXnuuY.jpg

I'm not incredibly savvy so I have no idea what to do. If anyone can help, thanks in advance.

You have no source package path specified. It looks like you only specified the Extraction/Source path. The "package path" field needs to have be pointed the location of the main.pak file.

Originally Posted by ignorhunter
Hey there thanks for your work! I have a problem tho, when i Open the EoCApp.exe with the hex editor and use the search to find that pattern, it says there's no such pattern...any suggestion?

I'm using XVI32. Make sure you're searching for a HEX string and not a text string.


Last edited by Foodchain; 29/10/15 10:02 PM.