I had an idea earlier tonight and did a little bit of tinkering. I managed to get the game to start with 4 source hunter characters in the party.


This would eliminate the need for the exe modification, but makes each client require modified CharacterCreation files. It's still a work in progress sort of deal. The character creation screen still needs work. Most likely it would work by doing a character creation screen for players 1 and 2, after these players confirm their choice it would then load a 2nd copy of a character creation screen with players 3 and 4 customizing their characters. I think this would just be a matter of modifying the trigger that makes the game engine load the Cyseal map after hitting accept on the CharacterCreation level. You would just need to modify it to load a CharacterCreation2 map that has Player3 and Player4 spawned. The CharacterCreation2 map can be created using the tools for the original game.

I made this work by making a modified CharacterCreation level using the tools for the original game. In this level I have player 1, 2, 3, and 4 spawned. The character creation level wasn't changed for EE and it's able to pass the player creation data to the Cyseal map which is loaded afterwards. The meta.lsx files which the orginal game's editor creates also need to be modified for EE in a few ways, otherwise they just hard-lock the game client on level load.

I might be explaining this poorly but I just wanted to throw some more ideas out here.

Last edited by Foodchain; 31/10/15 08:35 AM.