Originally Posted by Crine
I am still working through character creation so please forgive my ignorance but how does a summon having perception help you? Are you able to control the summon like a companion and use spells on them to raise their perception further? If so how useful is it since I think I read the spider is only around for 30 seconds?

Some people used it to detect secrets(just summoned it in all suspicious spots). I didn't use it so dunno how useful it was, 6 PER certainly isn't much.

Yeah, I've kicked the rogue out. Guerilla is just bad since you can get an extra attack in and have ap to spare instead of using sneak for +50% damage.

Got a ranger:
- per is not entirely wasted
- with 2 mages every battlefield is an apocalyptic wasteland, rogue just got in the way and maybe got a backtab every 2-3 turns
- ranger doesn't need traits and skills so I've just given him bully/light stepper/scientist/1 blacksmith/1 crafting, still does the damage and crafting is much more convenient than swapping to Jahan