Originally Posted by flame30
Had an idea reading your post foodchain :
An alternativ way to proceed may be to spawn all 4 players with unattributed point on first map , each player can also put abilities, stats like she/he want.

The main problem of this solution is that each player can't decide of their name or pictures.... but i think its already a beginnig

Correct, this would work. You start with no skills either, so you'd have to do something like filling the inventory with the 3-4 basic skillbooks each magic schools gets to pick at the start. Then relying on the honor system of the player throwing away the unused books.

I haven't done this because my group of friends was content with playing henchmen and companions. The main campaign works fine with 2 source hunters and 2 companions/henchmen. Adding the 3rd and 4th source hunter to the main campaign comes with it's own set of issues that were known in the mod for the original game. A lot of scripts in the main campaign aren't written with support for that 3rd and 4th source hunter character, so weird things can happen. For example, source hunter 3 and 4 attacking townsfolk doesn't trigger guards.