Originally Posted by Rominiust
Hey Foodchain, real big thanks for taking the time to type up how to get to the character creation for 4 players, but I'm having some issues if you don't mind giving me a hand.

I can get to the 4 player character creation screen, but it doesn't go anywhere after player 1 & 2 hit "Accept" when they're done creating their characters, and it looks like this: http://puu.sh/l7GW8/2bdd92f42d.jpg with the top right being player 2, the bottom left being player 1, although the top right was the main client the others joined off of.

I've changed the meta.lsx so it looks like this: http://puu.sh/l7H5C/13dddcb656.png (NumPlayers is now 4, and StartupLevelName has the value "CharacterCreationRedux").

Finally, my Mods\Main folder looks like this: http://puu.sh/l7HcZ/b608a54320.png

So I don't personally see anything wrong, but knowing my luck I've failed somewhere majorly, thanks for any help you can provide!

You're not doing anything wrong. I encountered this sort of thing if I got 4 clients connected before players 1 and 2 finished their character creation. Even if you do get past this the next thing it's going to load is going to be a character creation screen with a top down cameras and no menu. The 4 player character creation stuff isn't really working in any practical way. It was more just proof that you could run mods from the original game, weird behavior is expected.

The way I was getting 4 source hunters onto the Cyseal beach was starting with the 2nd level that mod usually loads (CharacterCreation). That level has players 3 and 4 spanwed. When you hit accept on that level's character creation, the game runs a script that pushes all the players to the intro movie and then loads Cyseal with 4 source hunters standing on the beach.

The optimal way of achieving 4 player character creation would be done by creating a character creation menu that supports 4 people. Of course, that's difficult at well. Larian only includes the .swf files with the game. These files only play the content and don't lend themselves to any modification. Wtihout the source .fla files it's hard to understand how exactly how the menus work. The mod's author asked a Larian guy about the source .fla files for the menu and got this response. Seems like it's a "no" on ever sharing the source of their menu files. It would be nice if Larian gave some documentation on what scripting a flash file needs to use to interface with rest of the game.